Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Line in the Sand Has Been Drawn

Now we know what we are fighting! With each lie, we get a little smarter and wiser to Obama's lies and real intentions.
The battle line is drawn: We have seen in this massive health care bill the democrats and progressives have rammed down out throats, many things that are inclusive and unrelated. Such as the power grab at education loans!!!
This my friends is not the only inclusion! The lies Harry Ried and Nancy Pelosi, et al have told about this bill being very complicated and the process ugly were NOT lies!!!
I haven't even figured out all that is in the bill now law but what I have seen is everything that is in it is everything the marxist progressives have wanted for years!!! Obama and his marxist regime in the White House have figured out that We the People will NOT tolerate his moves to socialize OUR country. He is barely smart enough to understand that as soon as we see what he is up to We the People will throw him and his communist buddies and that includes the union bosses OUT!

What they have done in this bill (law) is include all that the marxist progressives have wanted for years!!! There are provisions for Obama's civilian defense force in section 5210 that authorizes him to raise a defense force of "regular and reserve officers" and at first glance one would think it pertains to medical personnel. Upon closer inspection it is very specific that it actually pertains to a para military organization that answers to Obama! He said at the outset that he wanted a civilian defence force equal to and as strong as the military. Why? Is that not the purpose of law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels? Why would he need such a force? I refer you to the history of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Red China and on and on! Draw the paralels folks it is all there to read and understand that this communist bastard wants to take over completely and set up him and his minions as a supreme ruler over a socialist state... That his whole intent is to shred our Constitution and put us under his rule completely.
Now if this happens who will be in that Civilian Defense Force? Who does he pander to now? People of color, the welfare society, hispanics, muslims. The under achievers, the lazy hand out society that thinks we owe them a living. The followers of Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakan who do nothing but whine about their ancestors being slaves and how America should be destroyed. About why America owes them a living and why they should have everything given to them and we should expect to make them a living crowd! The Unions spouting Workers of the World Unite! Who do you think will be in charge? The elitists including the above and Commissar Obama!

What can we do to prevent this take over from happening? At this point, I feel it is almost too late for civilities. I am NOT an advocate of armed insurrection nor do I suggest armed revolution. However, should what I am seeing in the above statement happen, then Revolution will happen. Be prepared for anything. Right now, our goal should be to vote all the incumbents who have leaned toward big government and social reform OUT in November. They are slick. Watch them and they will try to smooth things over and convince us that all is well and we will like it. Just to get re elected. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!!! Vote out any incumbent that even suggests that we need social justice. That is a communist rhetoric dating back before the last century straight out of Karl Marx.
We also need to guard against electing right wing extremists as well. What did he say??? Yep, I said that. As much as I am one, this system of government was based on a centerist form of governing and compromise to the middle ground for fairness and equality for all those governed. Thomas Jefferson said it best: "The government that governs least is the government that governs best".
Demand that your elected official adhere to the Constitution. If they don't them vote THEM out as well.

A word of Caution here: In recent days, I have seen accusations against Tea Partiers for racial slurs and some violence. Saul Alinsky, the head commie,whose book Rules for Radicals Obama is using as his playbook, said " Never let a good crisis go unexploited". This is what they want us to do!!! To "show" the American people how violent we are and they are ALWAYS pulling the racist card on us and telling us that if we don't like the big Zero that we are racist. They will exploit even the smallest of incidents and use them to their advantage!!! Like the radicals of the sixties that they really are. They would incite riots and taunt those against them to violence and racial trouble then spout to the public how they had been abused and violated when all they wanted was a peaceful demonstration! Peace and Love man.... Bull!!! That was their whole intent and who organized it? Saul Alinsky! Why do you think the Kent State incident happened? It was not the fault of the National Guard folks!!! So please DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR TACTICS.

Do what you know is best for our Country, our Rights and our Constitution and talk it up to everyone you know. Find the right candidate to run against the incumbent that isn't listening. Demand that your candidate run on a fiscal responsibility, small government platform. Host "Town Hall" meetings, get with your local political officials and get behind them and talk it up! Write articles for your local paper, do radio spots and what ever you do remember: The progressive/communist regime in D.C. is counting that YOU and I will forget by November!!!! Don't let them get by with it!!! Keep the will of the people in the forefront of your mind!!! Keep reminding people what this bill includes and ask them if this is what they voted for!!!! They are also counting on you and I NOT reading this abortion of a law and understanding what it does to ALL freedom loving Americans.

Go to Patriot and buy the bumber sticker that says: Make a liberal angry: work hard and prosper...

There are some that will claim I am a bigot. I must admit that they are making it extremely difficult not to be, but my prejudices are: Stupidity, Arrogance and Ignorance both individual and cultural. And these know no ethnic, racial or cultural boundries!!! There are idiots, bigots and arrogant people in all walks of life. DON'T BE Amoung them! We all bleed red... And in the words of our beloved Gunny R. Lee Ermy: Your'e all equally worthless to serve in MY beloved Corps!!!

Stand Up America!!!
Semper Fi

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don't fall for the Progressive's Trick!!!

While watching the news today something hit me and then Glenn Beck backed up what I already knew.
The news media had reported a number of death threats against all the congressmen who voted for the health care bill. A brick was thrown through a window of Rep. Slaughter in New York. Stenny Hoyer held a short conference regarding the D.C. police and FBI getting involved.
Folks, I do not advocate armed insurrection. Nor do I support terroristic threats even to our avowed democratic liberal progressives. Voilence is NOT the answer.
When I heard Mr. Beck draw the parallel of all the sixties radicals and how they went underground then all of a sudden we see them again and they are in all the positions in Obama's court I put two and two together! Now I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but after reading Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals it hit me at the same time he said it!!
One of the ploys for the progressives is to "redefine" the meanings of words and phrases to confuse us and tug at our heart strings and play on our sympathies to get what they want.
The threats and incidents are a ploy to discredit us and our movement to take our country back!! Just like I truly believe that the racial slurs thrown at the black congressmen while they struted through the Tea Party rally was actually a sham by the democrats to discredit the Tea Party! So you see what they are doing is setting us up and taunting us to the point of violence then they'll cry foul!!!! See what I mean?
We MUST maintain our decorum. That is the first rule. Even though we all feel like smacking every one of them upside the head, DON'T give THEM the pleasure of knowing they made you do something to loose! Maintain your cool and smile back! All the while knowing we are working hard to not only take back our country, but defeating them at their own game!!! Victory is SOOOO SWEET when we not only defeat the enemy, but beat them at their own game!
So keep up the pressure and smile back at them! It will drive them crazy and unravel them!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


It has come to the point in our country's history that our future is now at stake! Never have I seen so many threats to our liberty, our freedom and our very Constitution from every direction at one time in my life!
It is like the proverbial man keeping his focus on draining the swamp while he is hip deep in little alligators!!! We have been too busy slapping alligators to notice that those pesky protesters of the sixties have now gotten their act together, their education and have been influencing politics to sway the government from with in. Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakan, Jeremiah Wright, Andy Stern, SEIU and many others have now gotten a foot hold in Washington and a mouth piece by the name of Barak Obama. All 32 of his "czars" are all followers of Karl Marx, Saul D. Alinsky and Chairman Mao. Last time I checked, the left wing liberal professors in the ivy covered halls of acadamia have never lived in the real world and do not understand as do you and I how to live on a budget, how to keep a job and what WE think! Yet our youth are expected to swallow all their propounding of how good socialism is and how bad the Constitution is and never telling them that with out exception a socialist government has NEVER succeded! Nor do they want to teach the truth about themselves or people like "bloody" Joe Stalin and murdering of 3 million of his own people, Adolph Hitler, who murdered over 10 million people including 5 million Russians, Chairman Mao who has murdered over 7 million of his OWN people!!!!
Want to know what the percent of his czars and cabinet have actual business experience? 8%!!! Any wonder why our economy is teetering on the brink of backruptcy? Those that do can't even do "Turbo Tax" and HE is the one that is the head of the Treasury!!! The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee "forgetting" to claim his 3 million in rental property on his income tax???
Now we have a "president" that will not disclose where he was born, his college transcripts, what his name was when he was attending college IF he did. All records have been sequestered and why? What is he hiding? This point is reason for impeachment as is. Not to mention all that he has done to shred our Constitution!!!! Why has no one called for his impeachment for violation of his oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic??? And ended his oath by "so help me God"!!! What a bald faced liar!!! What a travesty to our Constitution! This is called breech of oath people! There is a special place in hell for him and his ilk.... Pelosi and Reid as well....
The crucial pont is this: If the House uses this "Slaughter" rule to get governmental health care control passed under deem and pass, the first major step toward socialism will have rolled over and shredded our blessed Constitution! Mark my words!!! Your freedom, rights and future of our children and our children's children is AT STAKE!!!
Obama has already stated to Brett Baier that the end justifies the means! It is what HE wants and what the progessives want and to HELL with the American people, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights!! What a freaking Narcissist!!!! And most of his followers are so blind to the Constution, ignorant and just plain part of the entitlement society of the 3rd generation of welfare recipients and illegal aliens!!!!
Let's for the sake of argument look ahead to November if this bill passes. All the arm twisting and bullying to get it through will be a literal death knell for Democrats in office now. Some of these younger ones will wonder why Obama threw them under the bus for HIS agenda! Some will wonder why they've been ousted from office! Can they spell OUT OF TOUCH with the American People???? Can they spell NOT LISTENING TO We the PEOPLE????
I only hope that Obama doesn't make it a full term before he is impeached and thrown out of office! I shudder to think of Joe Biden taking over or Nancy Pelosi, because they are determined to ram every socialistic issue they can in three more years down our throats even at the political Kame Kazi run of the above, in three more years that it will effectively shred our Constitution!!!