Saturday, March 20, 2010


It has come to the point in our country's history that our future is now at stake! Never have I seen so many threats to our liberty, our freedom and our very Constitution from every direction at one time in my life!
It is like the proverbial man keeping his focus on draining the swamp while he is hip deep in little alligators!!! We have been too busy slapping alligators to notice that those pesky protesters of the sixties have now gotten their act together, their education and have been influencing politics to sway the government from with in. Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakan, Jeremiah Wright, Andy Stern, SEIU and many others have now gotten a foot hold in Washington and a mouth piece by the name of Barak Obama. All 32 of his "czars" are all followers of Karl Marx, Saul D. Alinsky and Chairman Mao. Last time I checked, the left wing liberal professors in the ivy covered halls of acadamia have never lived in the real world and do not understand as do you and I how to live on a budget, how to keep a job and what WE think! Yet our youth are expected to swallow all their propounding of how good socialism is and how bad the Constitution is and never telling them that with out exception a socialist government has NEVER succeded! Nor do they want to teach the truth about themselves or people like "bloody" Joe Stalin and murdering of 3 million of his own people, Adolph Hitler, who murdered over 10 million people including 5 million Russians, Chairman Mao who has murdered over 7 million of his OWN people!!!!
Want to know what the percent of his czars and cabinet have actual business experience? 8%!!! Any wonder why our economy is teetering on the brink of backruptcy? Those that do can't even do "Turbo Tax" and HE is the one that is the head of the Treasury!!! The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee "forgetting" to claim his 3 million in rental property on his income tax???
Now we have a "president" that will not disclose where he was born, his college transcripts, what his name was when he was attending college IF he did. All records have been sequestered and why? What is he hiding? This point is reason for impeachment as is. Not to mention all that he has done to shred our Constitution!!!! Why has no one called for his impeachment for violation of his oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic??? And ended his oath by "so help me God"!!! What a bald faced liar!!! What a travesty to our Constitution! This is called breech of oath people! There is a special place in hell for him and his ilk.... Pelosi and Reid as well....
The crucial pont is this: If the House uses this "Slaughter" rule to get governmental health care control passed under deem and pass, the first major step toward socialism will have rolled over and shredded our blessed Constitution! Mark my words!!! Your freedom, rights and future of our children and our children's children is AT STAKE!!!
Obama has already stated to Brett Baier that the end justifies the means! It is what HE wants and what the progessives want and to HELL with the American people, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights!! What a freaking Narcissist!!!! And most of his followers are so blind to the Constution, ignorant and just plain part of the entitlement society of the 3rd generation of welfare recipients and illegal aliens!!!!
Let's for the sake of argument look ahead to November if this bill passes. All the arm twisting and bullying to get it through will be a literal death knell for Democrats in office now. Some of these younger ones will wonder why Obama threw them under the bus for HIS agenda! Some will wonder why they've been ousted from office! Can they spell OUT OF TOUCH with the American People???? Can they spell NOT LISTENING TO We the PEOPLE????
I only hope that Obama doesn't make it a full term before he is impeached and thrown out of office! I shudder to think of Joe Biden taking over or Nancy Pelosi, because they are determined to ram every socialistic issue they can in three more years down our throats even at the political Kame Kazi run of the above, in three more years that it will effectively shred our Constitution!!!

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