I am NOT impressed with Obama's graduation address this week. However he is now coming out in the open about his true agenda: "All the i pads, i pods and x boxes (?)" and all the information avenues available are creating much "diversion and disinformationt that how do you know the truth"?
His agenda is to control the media and only have America hear HIS truth and no other!!! Now is this not shades of the Bolsheviks? Nazi's? Muslims? All totalitarian governments know that one of the first things to be controlled is the media. So that their agenda can be promoted with out opposition. That is the key. His czar for the FCC is working hard to control the internet as well as the media. His agenda matches the big Zero's in controlling our freedom to hear what we want...
I can not stress enough that this man is out to destroy America in any way he can. Usurping our bill of Rights as quickly as he can. Kind of like what I heard the other day: If a Republican does something that hurts or isn't in the interest of good health, he just walks away from it. If a Democrat incurs the same thing he tries to ban that from EVERYONE by legislating it out of existance. Where has freedom of choice gone? Yes, America has grown fat and obese as well as complacent. However, can our government dictate us back to good health? NO they can't. Obama is going to try to however!
Look at his effort to ban salt from processed foods, listing of calories and salt on labels, pulling of soda from schools raplacing it with diet soda.... Now let me ask you if you have seen any where the government forcing schools to enforce Physical Education? To get our precious little buggers back in some symbolance of physical shape and off their little duffs? Have you seen big brother require our children to get out from behind the boob toob and not play so much internet and video games? How about have you seen our beloved government enforce teaching the truth in history and not the progressive diversity agenda? Have you seen them empower our teachers to teach and not just be baby sitters and politically correct in indoctrinating our kids to Cradle to Grave government? No you haven't. But Obama is heading this country in that direction as hard and fast as he can! With the help of the progressives in congress, liberal left Acadamia and big unions! He is rallying the black vote because of entitlement and racism, he is rallying the support of the illegal aliens for the same reasons. Big labor is as socialist as Obama is! They want it all!! They want total control and set up an elitist totalitarian government and Obama is handing this country to them on a silver platter!
As for our 2nd Amendment rights: Get ready to give them up. He and Hillary are planning to sign a treaty with the United Nations to ban ALL private ownership of guns or ammunition! First, I have a real big problem with the United Nations its self. I do not think we need them. America first and only is my motto. Who needs to have us lower our standards in order to not offend another nation? Real common sense: Iran selected for the committee on Woman's rights!? Puleeese.......... Now Obama is selling our used brass to China vice letting the ammunition manufacturers in this country have it so they can make more ammo. What the hell do you think China is doing with it???? Making trinkets??? Yeah, in 7.62x39mm!!!!
All this said, I can't imagine Obama surviving another term in office. If he does, I don't think America will survive. As I have said before and I will say it again, I DO NOT advocate armed insurrection however if We the People don't stand up and be counted this is exactly what will happen to take this country back. I pray it doesn't come down to that but with the illegals flowing over our borders and 22,000 murders, rapes, kidnappings and other felonies along the border in the last four years, now Obama pulling all his B.S. and the dems not listening and ramming all sorts of unpalatable legislation down our throats, it appears to me that this is almost a certainty. Sure is setting us up for another Revolution!!! Maybe even a race war. Think about it, he is creating such racial strife and turmoil that it is almost a fore gone conclusion.
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