Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Illegal Immigration and the Proposed "Amnesty" legislation......

Houston, We have a PROBLEM!!!

  Along with the plethora of other major problems we are facing, there is one that we are facing that is totally OUT of CONTROL.  That of illegal immigration to our country.  As I have stated before in other blogs, I am NOT a racist nor am I a bigot.  So bear with me and I will expose this issue that needs to be dealt with firmly and quickly.

  Living in Texas and being a native of Texas, we live in generally peaceful coexistance with our citizens of hispanic heritage.  As a matter of fact, we  have, since our foundation as a Republic, in which many Mexican citizens fought for Texas Independance along with those of the European heritage, lived in coexistance.  That being said, our cultures are blended here and we are proud of that heritage.  The separation between Texas and Mexico is the Rio Grande river.  Generally respected by both sides.

  Where the rub comes in is that since that inception as a Republic and later a State is the flow of Mexican citizens coming across that river illegally.  For what ever reason, coming across without applying for a work visa is wrong.  I have no problem with people wanting to come here to better their lives and support their families.  I do have a problem with those who come here in the night without the proper authority and appropriate visa.  I have a big problem with this.  Not only are they going about it illegally but they are not paying taxes and sending most of that money back to Mexico.  Yes they do take jobs that are menial labor but sometimes the jobs they take are not menial.  Like construction and such where they are required to be a union member!  I.E.  SEIU who actually has the AUDACITY to claim they are recruiting illegal aliens to their ranks!  While ACORN signs them up to vote and finds them FEDERAL funding for buyng a house and property...

  Now we are experiencing a much greater problem.  That of the drug cartels manning the border for the soul purpose of main lining their death into the U.S. for profit.  They are now making so much money they are buying state of the art weapons and military technology to accomplish this.  Now they are using that technology to avoid detection by Border Patrol and DEA for not only the many illegals coming across, but to bring their drugs in massive amounts across.  Prior to last week, there have been isolated incidents of these "coyotes" killing U.S. citizens to avoid detection.  Now it is becoming blatant.  A rancher in Arizona was killed by these people.  For what?  Why?  Because he believed the same way most of us do!!!  Stop the illegal influx and he was trying to protect HIS rightful property.  This is not self defense it is nothing short of MURDER!!!  Alot of that is going on in Mexico, but that is Mexico's problem, this is OURS and it invovles both countries.....  We see the Mexican Federalies combating this problem and are cooperating with them as well as they with us.  This is a good thing.  Mexico is doing all they can to do their part and we are helping.  But is this enough?  Now that murder and illegal drugs are the motivator?  Personally I don't think so.

  I feel this problem is going to escalate exponentially from here until WE take a more definitive and strong stand.  In my opinion we need to now get the militay involved.  Just last week, a cartel in a number of "bullet proof" SUV's aggressively and purposely attacked a Mexican military base near the border.  The military responded and after the gun battle 18 cartel members were dead.  No word on how many Mexican army troops were injured or killed.  This is getting extremely serious folks.  What the cartels want is NO opposition to crossing the border and they use commercial trucks, rail road,s air craft, boats and illegals to mule this poison into our country...  Time to get tough.  We need the National Guard, State Guard and Military to man the borders and seal them off.  To answer the threat of violence with superior fire power until all concerned on the other side understands that they will die if they try to cross illegally or get caught running drugs.  No ands ifs or buts.  They will die.  If they kill or injur an American citizen they will die.  If they try to intimidate ranchers or farmers along the border, they will be dealt with severely.

  Secondly is the problem of radicals infiltrating across the Mexican border as in the case of the would be bomber who came across the border illegally and was living in Dallas for three  years before his attempt to blow up the Federal building in Dallas last year.  This young man is a Jordanian citizen!  With the world of international terror and illegal arms dealers out of control, I make my case for even stronger military force to stop this insanity.  The Border Patrol ( INS ) and DEA are far out numbered and with the money the cartels are making and expending on weapons and technology are OUTGUNNED and OUTMANNED.

  Third is the illegals coming across the border to have their children born in this country.  Not highly publicized, it happens much more than the public knows.  These women come over here before and sometimes in labor, show up at local emergency rooms and deliver just to have their babies born in this country.  Making them American citizens, automatically gives mom and family green card and eligable for welfare, food stamps wic and ssi....  All funded by MY tax dollars and YOURS!!!  Many times there  has been NO prenatal care and with the rate of diabetes in hispanic population, a good percentage of  these babies are born in crisis which requires evacuation to a facility with neonatal ICU's and all at OUR expense.  Many have relatives here whether legal or not this is what they do to gain residency and welfare....  I am livid about this.  I have worked on too many "bad" babies and seen too much of this.  Then they go back to Mexico, draw their American welfare, and food stamps and come back across to buy better quality food and medicines then take them back across the border and live like KINGS!!!

  This needs to stop by legislation.  Making it illegal to do so and when they do they get sent right back where they came from to deliver and NO citizenship for any of them.  No benefits, no nothing except deportation.  Stop this and we could balance the National budget in five years with the money we would save!

  For those employers who hire illegals, unions that recruit them and individuals as well as organizations that harbor and give safe haven to them, they need to have very stiff fines and prison terms levied on them.  Individuals, relatives or not, convicted of harboring illegal aliens need to be imprisoned and then deported with no chance of applying for legal immigration.  If those that do harbor these illegals are legal citizens then if convicted forfiet their citizenship.

  Our "government" in their screwed up logic now wants to give them amnesty and grant those already here citizenship.  They, in this "new" legislation, are wanting to have the illegals report their employers so they can be prosecuted!!!  In return for amnesty and citizenship...  Do they think we are stupid???  This is the screwed up logic being used by our congressmen in D.C.!!!!  What the illegals want is to earn the money they do, send it back to Mexico to their families so they can live like kings in THAT country, NOT America...  What JERKS and IDIOTS those in congress are who believe this will work!  Once again I ask you:  Have you ever seen a government founded and funded program that works or works efficiently???  I haven't.....

1 comment:

  1. In addition to my blog, as I re read it and learned of Texas Attorny General's new effort to stop crime along our border, I pondered on this: How long are we going to wait for the feds to make any kind of meaningful effort to control the illegal immigration and crime connected with it?
    How long will it take them to stop giving citizenship to the "anchor" babies and their families?
    Texas is a sovereign state and if we wait on the feds to do any more then Texas will be a northern state of Mexico! General Abbott has the right idea and is following through on the basis of constitutional law. We ARE a sovereign state so waiting on the feds is useless. To many in congress depend on those illegal "votes" to stay in office. The INS and Border Patrol is riddled with political appointees who cow tow to congress to move up the food chain. NOw is the time for Gov. Perry to send the State Guard to the border with orders to secure the border at all costs. To stop paying for "anchor" babies and tell the feds to just move out of the way and WE as a sovereign state will take care of the situation. Make the Border Patrol search for illegals in the cities and prosecute those who harbor and hire them. And prosecute the unions that recruit them!!! Deport those they find!
