Friday, April 23, 2010

Tea Partiers: Vote Republican

I have seen some disturbing poll results this week.  Fox News is showing that the democrats are leading in the polls for November reelection.  Republicans next and Tea Party last.

What disturbs me is history.  History of the Presidential election that brought Bill Clinton to the white house.  We who are Tea Partiers are NOT a political party but a conglomeration of democrats, republicans and independants who are fed up with the business as usual crowd in Washington.  Fed up with the elected officials increasing governmental intrusion and take over of every aspect of our lives.  Fed up with our elected officials NOT listening to the will of their constituents.  Fed up with big lobby getting their way vice us getting our will.  Yes this includes big unions/labor whose greed has turned our economy upside down.  Fed up with the community organizer that wants nothing more than socialism in this country and to shred and trample on our Constitution!!!

The historic fact I am referring to is what I call the H. Ross Perot effect that drew off enough votes from the Republican party that actually won the election for Bill "slick willy" Clinton.  Who by the way smoked pot but never inhaled!!!!  Perot had some good foundational ideas that would have worked but did not have the endorsement of the Republican party.  This country is founded on a two party system and, as many faults as it has, works.  What doesn't work is drawing off votes from one or the other.
As I understand it, we in the Tea Party movement are NOT a political party but a medium to express our discontent for BOTH organized parties.  As well as those who ignore the will of the People and our Constitution.  With this in mind, regardless of your party affiliation, we need to unite in our effort to vote out those who don't listen to us, who cowtow to big lobby and the "career" politician.

At this point the left and Obama is pulling out all the stops by using the race card against us now as per the "study" done by Brandies University grouping US with the "right wing extremists" called the Neo Nazi's!!!  I am extemely angry about this.  Not only that but the left has also started to call for infiltration of our ranks in the Tea Party movement with leftist who will act in such a manner to discredit us and make us look like idiots and racists.  The attack is on folks and each of us had best know this history and understand that they will do anything including violence to nullify our intent!!!  I recommend reading Obama's play book:  Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky which he follows to the letter!

I also recommend throwing our support behind the GOP vice trying to become a political party.  Yes the GOP has in recent years gotten away from the basic principles the party was founded on but there is enough discontent amoung us that the RINO's won't survive the primaries.  If you are a democrat use the same yard stick to pick a good conservative candidate to run in November!

By doing the above, we will ensure a sweep of the House and Senate to counter the socialists and progressives and Obama will get the message that he is on his way out and that We the People will NOT tolerate our Constitution being ignored, shredded and trampled!

A word here to underline and emphasise:  Listen to Glenn Beck and Alvada King....  Non violence is the answer and the victory.  We are out to win our country back from the left wing progressive socialists who would have us a part of the "one world government".  We are all about a second American Revolution but not one of armed insurrection or violence!!!

Let's take our country back in November!

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