Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Islam: A religion of love and peace???

During the past couple of days, I have heard from different sources how Islam is a religion of love and peace.  I don't understand how the muslims can say that and not get struck down by lightningSo let me recap some things for those who would be inclined to believe such ilk.
In just the past 48 hours, we have had two incidents that would dispel any notion of love and peace.
First the civil rioting in England at the returning Brit Soldiers.  Where it turned violent and crowds had to be dispursed by riot police.  England has allowed a substantial number of these "immigrants" and they have encrouched on British law and even in Parlaiment!  Now England has to kowtow to the muslims and haggle over them honoring Sharia Law and the wearing of the burka in the House of Commons and government offices.  There are every week demonstrations against English laws and customs by these loveable Muzzies who are busy suppressing English culture and supplanting it with their own!  Then OUR very own loveable Muslim in Chief saying America has a rich Muslim history.  Really?  Where were the muzzies at Valley Forge,  New Orleans, The Alamo, Getty'sburg, Cuba, Belleau Wood, Chateau Thierrie, Pearl Harbor, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Inchon, Khe Sanh???  I must have been alseep or something cause I sure missed that one!

Now, the second incident occurred at UC Irvine when the Muslim Student Union and Brother Hood decided no one needed to hear the Israeli Ambassador speak to the student body.  The lovely muzzies decided to shout him down and raise hell until they were removed by force so he could continue!  Good for UC Irvine!  They have sanctioned the Muslim Student Center and the Muslim Brotherhood to move off campus and not hold meetings on campus for a period of 1 year...

So if this isn't bad enough look at the last 30 years of anti simetic activity.  The beheading of Daniel Pearl, the hanging of the Marine  hostage, the burning and mutilation of the four guards in Iraq, dragging their bodies through the streets while every rag was out jumping for joy!  For starters, that's really showing love there!  Oh yeah I forgot to mention the entire muslim world celebrating at the news of the 9/11 attacks and their success!

Yes our country has a rich muslim history.  Starting and ending with the Barbary Pirates!!!  When Marine Lt O'Bannon took Tripoli and stopped them!  Yep that was rich!  Then the damned politicians decided to pay off their leader and keep paying him for NOT attacking our ships and interdicting our sea lanes of commerce!

What is wrong here is that 1.  Islam is NOT merely a "religion" it is a Theocracy defined as a governmetal system ruled by its religious leaders and its own laws ( sharia law )  Formulated by the rapist, murderer Mohammed....  2.  Their guide the q'uran preaches total domination of the world and murder of all "infidels" who refuse to believe.
They do NOT want to follow our laws, mix with our culture but to convert the world to Islam one way or another.  The term jihad means "holy war" and that is applied to all who do not follow allah!    So who wants to mix with these barbarians anyway?  They consider an indoor bathroom and toilet paper a tool of the devil!  Look at them with their scraggly beards and dresses.  You have to wipe your butt with your left hand!  Then you have to wear a sheet around your head ( So being Politically correct ) we can't call them "rag heads" so now we can call them "sheet heads"!!
But what ever you call them they are the same.  They are a 7th century theocracy, brutal, murderous, believing in slave trade including sex trade of infidel women.  And get offended when we call them what they are!

A Religion of Peace and Love?  I think not!!!  And they are here bent on taking over our country and screaming for Sharia law.  Fair warning America!  Look to Europe and their problems with the stone age sheet heads!
Semper Fi
The Infidel

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