In the course of the Obama administration, much has been done and said moreover NOT said that concerns me and hundreds of thousands of active duty, reserves and veterans of this great land.
I propose to my readers that there has been much underlying activity that is not in the public purview. Conceived in secrecy and some not. Just like an ice berg in calm still waters, there is about 90% of it that is hidden and presents more danger to the "unaware" than the 10% visible above the water line. As the Titanic found out in April of 1912, too late I might add, how deadly it can be..
Yesterday, Carrie pulled up a warning from one of the Marine Corps League detachments about an agency claiming to be part of the Veteran's Administration when it in all actuality is not. The reference link above leads you to an organization calling themselves "Veteran Assistance Service". The logo that they use on their web site is almost identical to the real VA logo. What precipitated the warning was a former Marine now attorney receiving a call from these people wanting crucial and sensitive information about his service. When the attorney got curious as to why the VA would be calling for this information since he was already in the system. He called the number, went to the web site and then called the VA who promptly denied any affiliation with this organization!
This in conjunction with the head of Homeland Security, Janet Nepalitano, openly stating that she considers all veterans as terrorists and bear watching. Although she later withdrew that statement, it has been publicly stated and in this writer's humble (?) opinion is still her true feeling. Along with this, the Obama administration's wanting veterans to pay for our own health care and war injuries, I am beginning to smell a rat! Carrie and I put out a warning on face book yesterday about this agency collecting sensitive veteran information and asked why... This is the question that needs to be asked along with WHO is involved. Most of us have served honorably and have nothing to hide from either other veterans or any public entity. What purpose would this serve to have personal information regarding our service?
Several months ago, Carrie did some excellent research into Barack and Michelle's early lives and what they really did. Now I am not going to go into how UNqualified he is to sit the highest elected office in the land but it is tempting... What I am going to do is refer you back to our earlier blogs that uncovered some startling activity of the Obama's and then when you check out the link above I want you to seriously consider what I have laid out here. You decide: Conspiracy or Coincidence..
As we all know by now, Barak Hussien Obama supposedly got his law degree from Harvard in which none of his class mates remember him. He earned his Baccalaureate from Occidental College via government funding for a "foreign" student using the name Barry Sotereo. After that he kind of goes off the radar then turns up with a law degree.. Most amusing, if he has nothing to hide, he shouldn't be spending millions on trying to keep his personal information sequestered... Somehow and somewhere he and Michelle hooked up, both lawyers and started a community organizer business. Both their law degree's came under scrutiny and were given the choice of don't practice law or loose your license for some reason and at this point I won't speculate why. You can bet it is pretty serious stuff when a lawyer is asked NOT to practice law or be disbarred in the state of Illinois!! Home of the most corrupt political dynasty this country has ever known!!!
From here we know that he taught "Constitutional Law" at some university for a while and became buddies with none other than Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground fame. Now a professor, he has never been brought to justice even after admitting he bombed the recruiting station and other buildings and was actively trying to overthrow the United States Government!!! Now somewhere along the way, and, I am not sure where all this money is coming from, but Barry and Michelle decide to write books and from those proceeds (?) start what is now Americorp, and an associated "community organizers" institute.. Americorp and this institute are both actively using as a model Saul D. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" as a guide book. If you have never heard of or read this book I encourage you to do so. With winter coming on it will keep you warm when any freedom loving American reads it because 1) You will throw the damned thing in the fire and 2) you'll stay so angry you won't need heat!!!
I digress. You may be asking yourself at this point what am I driving at. Okay let's get to the meat of this!
What is Americorp? What does this "Community Organizing Institute" teach? Where did they get the cash to do this kind of thing? All very relevant questions but what does it have to do with the Veteran's Assistance Service. Stand by because this will blow your socks off! Sit down and get a grip on something solid.....
Americorp: An organization for inner city kids which translated means black and hispanic who are "disadvantaged". What do they do? They are filled with the teachings of none other than Karl Marx, Joseph Engles, Saul D. Alinsky and many others to include ISLAM!!!! They go into the communities and try to make converts of all who will listen to Barack Hussein Obama's philosophy which is nothing short of Socialism!! Who funds them? You and I do with tax dollars, the Tides foundation, owned by George Soros, the AFL/CIO, SEIU and ACORN!!!!! Now if that doesn't bust your breeches then you must not be paying attention to what is going on around you...
"Community Organizing Institute": Owned and operated using funds from the same sources and people listed above. Purpose: To convert all who will listen to the political philosophy of the progressives and Barack Hussein Obama!
Let me tell you another little morsel of information just in case you weren't paying attention earlier: During his campaign, Barack Obama stated that he wants a "Civilian Defense Force" that is as well trained and armed as our military... Have you ever asked yourself why he wants this? Now tie all this in with the original statement of people wanting our [ the veterans ] sensitive information.. Interesting isn't it??? Now any military force is only as effective as the intelligence is accurate in winning battles. Sun Tsu stated that to know your enemy better than you know your friends!! Now am I beginning to not look like a raving conspiracist??
We DO know that Obama is trying to put us into socialism. He is continuing the work of Progressives from Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy (and the clan O'Kennedy), Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy ( Jimmuh Cahtah ) Carter, Bill ( Slick Willie) and Hillary Clinton. Progressives one and all! Hillary also did her Masters thesis on Saul D. Alinsky and believes in him like a god!!! Any wonder why she wants the U.S. to sign the Ungrateful Nations ( United Nations ) pact for world wide gun ban??? The UN is about as useful as tits on a boar hog now!!! All they want is what the above named progressives want: New World Order aka socialism world wide.... America needs to pull out of that organization and stop funding them!!! Kick them out of our country!!!
Obama is inept and incompetent but his puppet master George Soros is not. The biggest progressive is leading his puppet to bankrupt America thereby collapsing our economy and putting us under his New World Order in which he sets himself and his cronies up for leadership or should I say dictator ship for life... This is the first of my conclusions about the current situation.
Secondly that we all know and still have enough of the founding fathers' blood in us to resist any take over by any entity other than our own. Patriots like you and me will necessarily rise up in arms and resist if Obama or anyone declares martial law. Or chaos runs rampant like a collapsed economy will cause. We are not the Weimar Republic! However, look back and re read your world history: Rome, Greece, Spain and what caused their demise... Exactly what is happening to America now thanks to the socialist/progressives and our apathetic voting public...
Will the above named organizations or Obama's "civilian defense force" come and take those of us with the know how to resist away? Are these people along with the muslims and black panthers "gleaning" intel for the purpose of a future revolution or take over of OUR government? To locate us and herd us into FEMA "reeducation" camps?? Or to as Marx and Lenin loved the term "liquidate" us who would kick their butts if they tried??? Will our active duty, reserve component obey the illegal order to detain and imprison American citizens?? Will they revolt and stand with us in accordance to the Oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic???
What ever the case, Patriots, you had best start really paying attention to what is happening, when and by who. Patrick Henry said it best: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance". No truer words have I heard and especially in light of what is happening now...
So draw your own conclusion. Personally to me all these things are connected and are working against every freedom loving American Patriot out here.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
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