From Doc's Corner of the world, there are many out here that feel as you and I do that all this Political Correctness crap is nothing short of subversion of OUR right to worship as we feel, to speak our mind without being jailed and to persue happiness without fear of tyranny... 1st Amendment to our Constitution!!!
So who is behind all this?? Look at it closely. It is the "few" who bark the loudest and the majority that gives way to them...
Athiests and the ACLU are trying to make CHRISTmas a secular holiday and take God out of everything.
Progressives and politicians say that by being politically correct we offend no one. Hmmm, back in my youth, my father Roy M., taught me to be true to my own self and rely on no one. He also taught me to speak the truth as I see it and admit it if that is proven wrong... The point is that we HAVE become a nation of cowards in order to NOT offend anyone when what we should be doing is standing up for what we believe in and saying what we think. Well here goes..
Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you, to my jewish friends a belated happy Honnucha and my wish for each of you is a blessed time of love and family this season!!!
Now if that offends anyone then you have the same pantyhose to get glad in and suck it up!! Jesus Christ is the reason for the season and NOT winter solstice. A time of peace and joy, a time of love and family so there you have it....
But, in case you are wondering, I am being politically correct because I haven't told the muslims, liberals or progressives or the Ungrateful Nations to leave my country and don't come back, nor have I said that all of the above can kiss my butt if you don't like what I have to say. But then, this is why America is the greatest nation on earth because we have a Constitution, a rule of law, that discourages tyrrany and encourages freedom and tolerance!!! A nation forged in the blood of those who fought and died for freedom from tyrrany, founded by men of great faith in God who's laws are written into the Constitution! Even the two athiests who helped forge the document agreed to it's principles and precepts... But they all had this in common: Freedom from Tyrrany in any form!!! Political Correctness is nothing but tyrrany from those who would control us!!
Have a great and a free Merry CHRISTmas y'all!!! Remember our brave troops defending us on foriegn soil and in harm's way in your prayers!!!
Semper Fidelis, Saepe Expertus, Fratres Aeterni
Doc Rodman
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Conspiracy theory OR reality?
In the course of the Obama administration, much has been done and said moreover NOT said that concerns me and hundreds of thousands of active duty, reserves and veterans of this great land.
I propose to my readers that there has been much underlying activity that is not in the public purview. Conceived in secrecy and some not. Just like an ice berg in calm still waters, there is about 90% of it that is hidden and presents more danger to the "unaware" than the 10% visible above the water line. As the Titanic found out in April of 1912, too late I might add, how deadly it can be..
Yesterday, Carrie pulled up a warning from one of the Marine Corps League detachments about an agency claiming to be part of the Veteran's Administration when it in all actuality is not. The reference link above leads you to an organization calling themselves "Veteran Assistance Service". The logo that they use on their web site is almost identical to the real VA logo. What precipitated the warning was a former Marine now attorney receiving a call from these people wanting crucial and sensitive information about his service. When the attorney got curious as to why the VA would be calling for this information since he was already in the system. He called the number, went to the web site and then called the VA who promptly denied any affiliation with this organization!
This in conjunction with the head of Homeland Security, Janet Nepalitano, openly stating that she considers all veterans as terrorists and bear watching. Although she later withdrew that statement, it has been publicly stated and in this writer's humble (?) opinion is still her true feeling. Along with this, the Obama administration's wanting veterans to pay for our own health care and war injuries, I am beginning to smell a rat! Carrie and I put out a warning on face book yesterday about this agency collecting sensitive veteran information and asked why... This is the question that needs to be asked along with WHO is involved. Most of us have served honorably and have nothing to hide from either other veterans or any public entity. What purpose would this serve to have personal information regarding our service?
Several months ago, Carrie did some excellent research into Barack and Michelle's early lives and what they really did. Now I am not going to go into how UNqualified he is to sit the highest elected office in the land but it is tempting... What I am going to do is refer you back to our earlier blogs that uncovered some startling activity of the Obama's and then when you check out the link above I want you to seriously consider what I have laid out here. You decide: Conspiracy or Coincidence..
As we all know by now, Barak Hussien Obama supposedly got his law degree from Harvard in which none of his class mates remember him. He earned his Baccalaureate from Occidental College via government funding for a "foreign" student using the name Barry Sotereo. After that he kind of goes off the radar then turns up with a law degree.. Most amusing, if he has nothing to hide, he shouldn't be spending millions on trying to keep his personal information sequestered... Somehow and somewhere he and Michelle hooked up, both lawyers and started a community organizer business. Both their law degree's came under scrutiny and were given the choice of don't practice law or loose your license for some reason and at this point I won't speculate why. You can bet it is pretty serious stuff when a lawyer is asked NOT to practice law or be disbarred in the state of Illinois!! Home of the most corrupt political dynasty this country has ever known!!!
From here we know that he taught "Constitutional Law" at some university for a while and became buddies with none other than Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground fame. Now a professor, he has never been brought to justice even after admitting he bombed the recruiting station and other buildings and was actively trying to overthrow the United States Government!!! Now somewhere along the way, and, I am not sure where all this money is coming from, but Barry and Michelle decide to write books and from those proceeds (?) start what is now Americorp, and an associated "community organizers" institute.. Americorp and this institute are both actively using as a model Saul D. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" as a guide book. If you have never heard of or read this book I encourage you to do so. With winter coming on it will keep you warm when any freedom loving American reads it because 1) You will throw the damned thing in the fire and 2) you'll stay so angry you won't need heat!!!
I digress. You may be asking yourself at this point what am I driving at. Okay let's get to the meat of this!
What is Americorp? What does this "Community Organizing Institute" teach? Where did they get the cash to do this kind of thing? All very relevant questions but what does it have to do with the Veteran's Assistance Service. Stand by because this will blow your socks off! Sit down and get a grip on something solid.....
Americorp: An organization for inner city kids which translated means black and hispanic who are "disadvantaged". What do they do? They are filled with the teachings of none other than Karl Marx, Joseph Engles, Saul D. Alinsky and many others to include ISLAM!!!! They go into the communities and try to make converts of all who will listen to Barack Hussein Obama's philosophy which is nothing short of Socialism!! Who funds them? You and I do with tax dollars, the Tides foundation, owned by George Soros, the AFL/CIO, SEIU and ACORN!!!!! Now if that doesn't bust your breeches then you must not be paying attention to what is going on around you...
"Community Organizing Institute": Owned and operated using funds from the same sources and people listed above. Purpose: To convert all who will listen to the political philosophy of the progressives and Barack Hussein Obama!
Let me tell you another little morsel of information just in case you weren't paying attention earlier: During his campaign, Barack Obama stated that he wants a "Civilian Defense Force" that is as well trained and armed as our military... Have you ever asked yourself why he wants this? Now tie all this in with the original statement of people wanting our [ the veterans ] sensitive information.. Interesting isn't it??? Now any military force is only as effective as the intelligence is accurate in winning battles. Sun Tsu stated that to know your enemy better than you know your friends!! Now am I beginning to not look like a raving conspiracist??
We DO know that Obama is trying to put us into socialism. He is continuing the work of Progressives from Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy (and the clan O'Kennedy), Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy ( Jimmuh Cahtah ) Carter, Bill ( Slick Willie) and Hillary Clinton. Progressives one and all! Hillary also did her Masters thesis on Saul D. Alinsky and believes in him like a god!!! Any wonder why she wants the U.S. to sign the Ungrateful Nations ( United Nations ) pact for world wide gun ban??? The UN is about as useful as tits on a boar hog now!!! All they want is what the above named progressives want: New World Order aka socialism world wide.... America needs to pull out of that organization and stop funding them!!! Kick them out of our country!!!
Obama is inept and incompetent but his puppet master George Soros is not. The biggest progressive is leading his puppet to bankrupt America thereby collapsing our economy and putting us under his New World Order in which he sets himself and his cronies up for leadership or should I say dictator ship for life... This is the first of my conclusions about the current situation.
Secondly that we all know and still have enough of the founding fathers' blood in us to resist any take over by any entity other than our own. Patriots like you and me will necessarily rise up in arms and resist if Obama or anyone declares martial law. Or chaos runs rampant like a collapsed economy will cause. We are not the Weimar Republic! However, look back and re read your world history: Rome, Greece, Spain and what caused their demise... Exactly what is happening to America now thanks to the socialist/progressives and our apathetic voting public...
Will the above named organizations or Obama's "civilian defense force" come and take those of us with the know how to resist away? Are these people along with the muslims and black panthers "gleaning" intel for the purpose of a future revolution or take over of OUR government? To locate us and herd us into FEMA "reeducation" camps?? Or to as Marx and Lenin loved the term "liquidate" us who would kick their butts if they tried??? Will our active duty, reserve component obey the illegal order to detain and imprison American citizens?? Will they revolt and stand with us in accordance to the Oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic???
What ever the case, Patriots, you had best start really paying attention to what is happening, when and by who. Patrick Henry said it best: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance". No truer words have I heard and especially in light of what is happening now...
So draw your own conclusion. Personally to me all these things are connected and are working against every freedom loving American Patriot out here.
I propose to my readers that there has been much underlying activity that is not in the public purview. Conceived in secrecy and some not. Just like an ice berg in calm still waters, there is about 90% of it that is hidden and presents more danger to the "unaware" than the 10% visible above the water line. As the Titanic found out in April of 1912, too late I might add, how deadly it can be..
Yesterday, Carrie pulled up a warning from one of the Marine Corps League detachments about an agency claiming to be part of the Veteran's Administration when it in all actuality is not. The reference link above leads you to an organization calling themselves "Veteran Assistance Service". The logo that they use on their web site is almost identical to the real VA logo. What precipitated the warning was a former Marine now attorney receiving a call from these people wanting crucial and sensitive information about his service. When the attorney got curious as to why the VA would be calling for this information since he was already in the system. He called the number, went to the web site and then called the VA who promptly denied any affiliation with this organization!
This in conjunction with the head of Homeland Security, Janet Nepalitano, openly stating that she considers all veterans as terrorists and bear watching. Although she later withdrew that statement, it has been publicly stated and in this writer's humble (?) opinion is still her true feeling. Along with this, the Obama administration's wanting veterans to pay for our own health care and war injuries, I am beginning to smell a rat! Carrie and I put out a warning on face book yesterday about this agency collecting sensitive veteran information and asked why... This is the question that needs to be asked along with WHO is involved. Most of us have served honorably and have nothing to hide from either other veterans or any public entity. What purpose would this serve to have personal information regarding our service?
Several months ago, Carrie did some excellent research into Barack and Michelle's early lives and what they really did. Now I am not going to go into how UNqualified he is to sit the highest elected office in the land but it is tempting... What I am going to do is refer you back to our earlier blogs that uncovered some startling activity of the Obama's and then when you check out the link above I want you to seriously consider what I have laid out here. You decide: Conspiracy or Coincidence..
As we all know by now, Barak Hussien Obama supposedly got his law degree from Harvard in which none of his class mates remember him. He earned his Baccalaureate from Occidental College via government funding for a "foreign" student using the name Barry Sotereo. After that he kind of goes off the radar then turns up with a law degree.. Most amusing, if he has nothing to hide, he shouldn't be spending millions on trying to keep his personal information sequestered... Somehow and somewhere he and Michelle hooked up, both lawyers and started a community organizer business. Both their law degree's came under scrutiny and were given the choice of don't practice law or loose your license for some reason and at this point I won't speculate why. You can bet it is pretty serious stuff when a lawyer is asked NOT to practice law or be disbarred in the state of Illinois!! Home of the most corrupt political dynasty this country has ever known!!!
From here we know that he taught "Constitutional Law" at some university for a while and became buddies with none other than Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground fame. Now a professor, he has never been brought to justice even after admitting he bombed the recruiting station and other buildings and was actively trying to overthrow the United States Government!!! Now somewhere along the way, and, I am not sure where all this money is coming from, but Barry and Michelle decide to write books and from those proceeds (?) start what is now Americorp, and an associated "community organizers" institute.. Americorp and this institute are both actively using as a model Saul D. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" as a guide book. If you have never heard of or read this book I encourage you to do so. With winter coming on it will keep you warm when any freedom loving American reads it because 1) You will throw the damned thing in the fire and 2) you'll stay so angry you won't need heat!!!
I digress. You may be asking yourself at this point what am I driving at. Okay let's get to the meat of this!
What is Americorp? What does this "Community Organizing Institute" teach? Where did they get the cash to do this kind of thing? All very relevant questions but what does it have to do with the Veteran's Assistance Service. Stand by because this will blow your socks off! Sit down and get a grip on something solid.....
Americorp: An organization for inner city kids which translated means black and hispanic who are "disadvantaged". What do they do? They are filled with the teachings of none other than Karl Marx, Joseph Engles, Saul D. Alinsky and many others to include ISLAM!!!! They go into the communities and try to make converts of all who will listen to Barack Hussein Obama's philosophy which is nothing short of Socialism!! Who funds them? You and I do with tax dollars, the Tides foundation, owned by George Soros, the AFL/CIO, SEIU and ACORN!!!!! Now if that doesn't bust your breeches then you must not be paying attention to what is going on around you...
"Community Organizing Institute": Owned and operated using funds from the same sources and people listed above. Purpose: To convert all who will listen to the political philosophy of the progressives and Barack Hussein Obama!
Let me tell you another little morsel of information just in case you weren't paying attention earlier: During his campaign, Barack Obama stated that he wants a "Civilian Defense Force" that is as well trained and armed as our military... Have you ever asked yourself why he wants this? Now tie all this in with the original statement of people wanting our [ the veterans ] sensitive information.. Interesting isn't it??? Now any military force is only as effective as the intelligence is accurate in winning battles. Sun Tsu stated that to know your enemy better than you know your friends!! Now am I beginning to not look like a raving conspiracist??
We DO know that Obama is trying to put us into socialism. He is continuing the work of Progressives from Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy (and the clan O'Kennedy), Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy ( Jimmuh Cahtah ) Carter, Bill ( Slick Willie) and Hillary Clinton. Progressives one and all! Hillary also did her Masters thesis on Saul D. Alinsky and believes in him like a god!!! Any wonder why she wants the U.S. to sign the Ungrateful Nations ( United Nations ) pact for world wide gun ban??? The UN is about as useful as tits on a boar hog now!!! All they want is what the above named progressives want: New World Order aka socialism world wide.... America needs to pull out of that organization and stop funding them!!! Kick them out of our country!!!
Obama is inept and incompetent but his puppet master George Soros is not. The biggest progressive is leading his puppet to bankrupt America thereby collapsing our economy and putting us under his New World Order in which he sets himself and his cronies up for leadership or should I say dictator ship for life... This is the first of my conclusions about the current situation.
Secondly that we all know and still have enough of the founding fathers' blood in us to resist any take over by any entity other than our own. Patriots like you and me will necessarily rise up in arms and resist if Obama or anyone declares martial law. Or chaos runs rampant like a collapsed economy will cause. We are not the Weimar Republic! However, look back and re read your world history: Rome, Greece, Spain and what caused their demise... Exactly what is happening to America now thanks to the socialist/progressives and our apathetic voting public...
Will the above named organizations or Obama's "civilian defense force" come and take those of us with the know how to resist away? Are these people along with the muslims and black panthers "gleaning" intel for the purpose of a future revolution or take over of OUR government? To locate us and herd us into FEMA "reeducation" camps?? Or to as Marx and Lenin loved the term "liquidate" us who would kick their butts if they tried??? Will our active duty, reserve component obey the illegal order to detain and imprison American citizens?? Will they revolt and stand with us in accordance to the Oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic???
What ever the case, Patriots, you had best start really paying attention to what is happening, when and by who. Patrick Henry said it best: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance". No truer words have I heard and especially in light of what is happening now...
So draw your own conclusion. Personally to me all these things are connected and are working against every freedom loving American Patriot out here.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Islam: A religion of love and peace???
During the past couple of days, I have heard from different sources how Islam is a religion of love and peace. I don't understand how the muslims can say that and not get struck down by lightning! So let me recap some things for those who would be inclined to believe such ilk.
In just the past 48 hours, we have had two incidents that would dispel any notion of love and peace.
First the civil rioting in England at the returning Brit Soldiers. Where it turned violent and crowds had to be dispursed by riot police. England has allowed a substantial number of these "immigrants" and they have encrouched on British law and even in Parlaiment! Now England has to kowtow to the muslims and haggle over them honoring Sharia Law and the wearing of the burka in the House of Commons and government offices. There are every week demonstrations against English laws and customs by these loveable Muzzies who are busy suppressing English culture and supplanting it with their own! Then OUR very own loveable Muslim in Chief saying America has a rich Muslim history. Really? Where were the muzzies at Valley Forge, New Orleans, The Alamo, Getty'sburg, Cuba, Belleau Wood, Chateau Thierrie, Pearl Harbor, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Inchon, Khe Sanh??? I must have been alseep or something cause I sure missed that one!
Now, the second incident occurred at UC Irvine when the Muslim Student Union and Brother Hood decided no one needed to hear the Israeli Ambassador speak to the student body. The lovely muzzies decided to shout him down and raise hell until they were removed by force so he could continue! Good for UC Irvine! They have sanctioned the Muslim Student Center and the Muslim Brotherhood to move off campus and not hold meetings on campus for a period of 1 year...
So if this isn't bad enough look at the last 30 years of anti simetic activity. The beheading of Daniel Pearl, the hanging of the Marine hostage, the burning and mutilation of the four guards in Iraq, dragging their bodies through the streets while every rag was out jumping for joy! For starters, that's really showing love there! Oh yeah I forgot to mention the entire muslim world celebrating at the news of the 9/11 attacks and their success!
Yes our country has a rich muslim history. Starting and ending with the Barbary Pirates!!! When Marine Lt O'Bannon took Tripoli and stopped them! Yep that was rich! Then the damned politicians decided to pay off their leader and keep paying him for NOT attacking our ships and interdicting our sea lanes of commerce!
What is wrong here is that 1. Islam is NOT merely a "religion" it is a Theocracy defined as a governmetal system ruled by its religious leaders and its own laws ( sharia law ) Formulated by the rapist, murderer Mohammed.... 2. Their guide the q'uran preaches total domination of the world and murder of all "infidels" who refuse to believe.
They do NOT want to follow our laws, mix with our culture but to convert the world to Islam one way or another. The term jihad means "holy war" and that is applied to all who do not follow allah! So who wants to mix with these barbarians anyway? They consider an indoor bathroom and toilet paper a tool of the devil! Look at them with their scraggly beards and dresses. You have to wipe your butt with your left hand! Then you have to wear a sheet around your head ( So being Politically correct ) we can't call them "rag heads" so now we can call them "sheet heads"!!
But what ever you call them they are the same. They are a 7th century theocracy, brutal, murderous, believing in slave trade including sex trade of infidel women. And get offended when we call them what they are!
A Religion of Peace and Love? I think not!!! And they are here bent on taking over our country and screaming for Sharia law. Fair warning America! Look to Europe and their problems with the stone age sheet heads!
Semper Fi
The Infidel
In just the past 48 hours, we have had two incidents that would dispel any notion of love and peace.
First the civil rioting in England at the returning Brit Soldiers. Where it turned violent and crowds had to be dispursed by riot police. England has allowed a substantial number of these "immigrants" and they have encrouched on British law and even in Parlaiment! Now England has to kowtow to the muslims and haggle over them honoring Sharia Law and the wearing of the burka in the House of Commons and government offices. There are every week demonstrations against English laws and customs by these loveable Muzzies who are busy suppressing English culture and supplanting it with their own! Then OUR very own loveable Muslim in Chief saying America has a rich Muslim history. Really? Where were the muzzies at Valley Forge, New Orleans, The Alamo, Getty'sburg, Cuba, Belleau Wood, Chateau Thierrie, Pearl Harbor, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Inchon, Khe Sanh??? I must have been alseep or something cause I sure missed that one!
Now, the second incident occurred at UC Irvine when the Muslim Student Union and Brother Hood decided no one needed to hear the Israeli Ambassador speak to the student body. The lovely muzzies decided to shout him down and raise hell until they were removed by force so he could continue! Good for UC Irvine! They have sanctioned the Muslim Student Center and the Muslim Brotherhood to move off campus and not hold meetings on campus for a period of 1 year...
So if this isn't bad enough look at the last 30 years of anti simetic activity. The beheading of Daniel Pearl, the hanging of the Marine hostage, the burning and mutilation of the four guards in Iraq, dragging their bodies through the streets while every rag was out jumping for joy! For starters, that's really showing love there! Oh yeah I forgot to mention the entire muslim world celebrating at the news of the 9/11 attacks and their success!
Yes our country has a rich muslim history. Starting and ending with the Barbary Pirates!!! When Marine Lt O'Bannon took Tripoli and stopped them! Yep that was rich! Then the damned politicians decided to pay off their leader and keep paying him for NOT attacking our ships and interdicting our sea lanes of commerce!
What is wrong here is that 1. Islam is NOT merely a "religion" it is a Theocracy defined as a governmetal system ruled by its religious leaders and its own laws ( sharia law ) Formulated by the rapist, murderer Mohammed.... 2. Their guide the q'uran preaches total domination of the world and murder of all "infidels" who refuse to believe.
They do NOT want to follow our laws, mix with our culture but to convert the world to Islam one way or another. The term jihad means "holy war" and that is applied to all who do not follow allah! So who wants to mix with these barbarians anyway? They consider an indoor bathroom and toilet paper a tool of the devil! Look at them with their scraggly beards and dresses. You have to wipe your butt with your left hand! Then you have to wear a sheet around your head ( So being Politically correct ) we can't call them "rag heads" so now we can call them "sheet heads"!!
But what ever you call them they are the same. They are a 7th century theocracy, brutal, murderous, believing in slave trade including sex trade of infidel women. And get offended when we call them what they are!
A Religion of Peace and Love? I think not!!! And they are here bent on taking over our country and screaming for Sharia law. Fair warning America! Look to Europe and their problems with the stone age sheet heads!
Semper Fi
The Infidel
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I Am Ashamed
After watching the events of the past two days regarding Israel's blockade of the "Gaza Flotilla" and the lame stream media's bias in covering this story I am ashamed at what our "leadership" in this country is doing.
As I watched the initial video of the IDF's inspection of said flotilla, to me it is apparent that the ship's company of muslims were prepared to repel borders. Why? Why so defensive if all they are carrying is for humanitarian purposes? As anyone can clearly see, the IDF seals were boarding to inspect/intercept any cargo that could be used by HAMAS to further the violence against Israel. Which by the way IS Israel's right to do so. When the ship's company went on the attack with iron bars, broken bottles and fire hoses, they clearly sent the world a message that they are prepared to defend their cargo.
So what is that cargo they are so willing to defend? Katusha rockets? Explosives and ammunition for HAMAS to use against Israel? Absolutely... I don't think they would be so defensive about food and medical supplies do you? And while on the subject, look at all the muslim countries who supplied the "cargo"!
Now, on to the heart of the issue: I have lived amoung these people in my younger years and know their mindset. With out a doubt they want nothing short of Israel's total annhialation. The muslims from all their countries all feel this way. They have learned how to twist facts and events to make their plight to do so more appealing to the western non muslim world. Now our Muslim in Chief is in office, the muslims are becomimg more and more emboldened and Obama just turns a blind eye to it or snubs Netanyahu altogether. Now the White House staff are calling the Israeli's Al Qud's! He wants to denigrate and discredit Israel because he is a muslim!!! The lame stream media is in their boot licking way following his wishes! If we are going to boycott anything it in my opinion needs to be ABC,CBS,NBC,MSNBC,CNN, NYT,and Huffington!!!! All Obama ass kissers and progressives.....
The House passed HR 1388 this week with out telling anyone what is contained and or why they did it! This effectively ear marks 23,000,000. of OUR tax dollars to go in support of the Palestinian Refugees to bring them over here and support their butts with our money and bring HAMAS over here as well!!! I am really angered over this and think we need to vote ALL the ill begotten members that voted for it OUT and it is a good thing that "tar and feathering" is no longer used in this country! I say we bring it back!!! A little historical fact is that the Palestinians have been kicked out of every host country that has ever taken them in! For being idiots and trouble makers! Now WE will have to provide stipends, tuition, welfare, food stamps, medicaid and social security for them!!!! Thanks congress! November is coming!!!
On a lighter note, there was an incident that last friday a severed pigs head was rolled into a mosque in New York during prayers! Well that really disrespects the pig.... But you know, we are going to see more and more of this and maybe even violence against them and them against us. This illbegotten "religion" is given credence by Ayatollah Obama until it becomes a full blown war... I do not see muslims bringing Islam here and wanting to be Americans and being proud of that as most of our fore fathers were. I see them as their true goal/mission of world wide Islamic dominance and the destruction, rape and murder of all who oppose them! Ayatollah Obama is right in there with them and working for that goal as are all muslims. Only he is in the position to further that cause more than anyone else. He needs to be Impeached and removed before he has the opportunity to do any more damage to America than he already has!
If you haven't already, consider voting the bums out of office ASAP! Washington is beginning to get the message that We the People are waking up and will NOT tolerate this crap any longer! Let's take it to them! Find out who voted for this misconcieved notion of "humanitarian aid" and vote the illegitimate children out!! Share this with all you know and let's get started making the public aware of this!!!! Remember: The American people are nothing to trifle with when angered!!!
As I watched the initial video of the IDF's inspection of said flotilla, to me it is apparent that the ship's company of muslims were prepared to repel borders. Why? Why so defensive if all they are carrying is for humanitarian purposes? As anyone can clearly see, the IDF seals were boarding to inspect/intercept any cargo that could be used by HAMAS to further the violence against Israel. Which by the way IS Israel's right to do so. When the ship's company went on the attack with iron bars, broken bottles and fire hoses, they clearly sent the world a message that they are prepared to defend their cargo.
So what is that cargo they are so willing to defend? Katusha rockets? Explosives and ammunition for HAMAS to use against Israel? Absolutely... I don't think they would be so defensive about food and medical supplies do you? And while on the subject, look at all the muslim countries who supplied the "cargo"!
Now, on to the heart of the issue: I have lived amoung these people in my younger years and know their mindset. With out a doubt they want nothing short of Israel's total annhialation. The muslims from all their countries all feel this way. They have learned how to twist facts and events to make their plight to do so more appealing to the western non muslim world. Now our Muslim in Chief is in office, the muslims are becomimg more and more emboldened and Obama just turns a blind eye to it or snubs Netanyahu altogether. Now the White House staff are calling the Israeli's Al Qud's! He wants to denigrate and discredit Israel because he is a muslim!!! The lame stream media is in their boot licking way following his wishes! If we are going to boycott anything it in my opinion needs to be ABC,CBS,NBC,MSNBC,CNN, NYT,and Huffington!!!! All Obama ass kissers and progressives.....
The House passed HR 1388 this week with out telling anyone what is contained and or why they did it! This effectively ear marks 23,000,000. of OUR tax dollars to go in support of the Palestinian Refugees to bring them over here and support their butts with our money and bring HAMAS over here as well!!! I am really angered over this and think we need to vote ALL the ill begotten members that voted for it OUT and it is a good thing that "tar and feathering" is no longer used in this country! I say we bring it back!!! A little historical fact is that the Palestinians have been kicked out of every host country that has ever taken them in! For being idiots and trouble makers! Now WE will have to provide stipends, tuition, welfare, food stamps, medicaid and social security for them!!!! Thanks congress! November is coming!!!
On a lighter note, there was an incident that last friday a severed pigs head was rolled into a mosque in New York during prayers! Well that really disrespects the pig.... But you know, we are going to see more and more of this and maybe even violence against them and them against us. This illbegotten "religion" is given credence by Ayatollah Obama until it becomes a full blown war... I do not see muslims bringing Islam here and wanting to be Americans and being proud of that as most of our fore fathers were. I see them as their true goal/mission of world wide Islamic dominance and the destruction, rape and murder of all who oppose them! Ayatollah Obama is right in there with them and working for that goal as are all muslims. Only he is in the position to further that cause more than anyone else. He needs to be Impeached and removed before he has the opportunity to do any more damage to America than he already has!
If you haven't already, consider voting the bums out of office ASAP! Washington is beginning to get the message that We the People are waking up and will NOT tolerate this crap any longer! Let's take it to them! Find out who voted for this misconcieved notion of "humanitarian aid" and vote the illegitimate children out!! Share this with all you know and let's get started making the public aware of this!!!! Remember: The American people are nothing to trifle with when angered!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
As Promised, Obama is after our 1st Amendment rights as well as all the others!!!
I am NOT impressed with Obama's graduation address this week. However he is now coming out in the open about his true agenda: "All the i pads, i pods and x boxes (?)" and all the information avenues available are creating much "diversion and disinformationt that how do you know the truth"?
His agenda is to control the media and only have America hear HIS truth and no other!!! Now is this not shades of the Bolsheviks? Nazi's? Muslims? All totalitarian governments know that one of the first things to be controlled is the media. So that their agenda can be promoted with out opposition. That is the key. His czar for the FCC is working hard to control the internet as well as the media. His agenda matches the big Zero's in controlling our freedom to hear what we want...
I can not stress enough that this man is out to destroy America in any way he can. Usurping our bill of Rights as quickly as he can. Kind of like what I heard the other day: If a Republican does something that hurts or isn't in the interest of good health, he just walks away from it. If a Democrat incurs the same thing he tries to ban that from EVERYONE by legislating it out of existance. Where has freedom of choice gone? Yes, America has grown fat and obese as well as complacent. However, can our government dictate us back to good health? NO they can't. Obama is going to try to however!
Look at his effort to ban salt from processed foods, listing of calories and salt on labels, pulling of soda from schools raplacing it with diet soda.... Now let me ask you if you have seen any where the government forcing schools to enforce Physical Education? To get our precious little buggers back in some symbolance of physical shape and off their little duffs? Have you seen big brother require our children to get out from behind the boob toob and not play so much internet and video games? How about have you seen our beloved government enforce teaching the truth in history and not the progressive diversity agenda? Have you seen them empower our teachers to teach and not just be baby sitters and politically correct in indoctrinating our kids to Cradle to Grave government? No you haven't. But Obama is heading this country in that direction as hard and fast as he can! With the help of the progressives in congress, liberal left Acadamia and big unions! He is rallying the black vote because of entitlement and racism, he is rallying the support of the illegal aliens for the same reasons. Big labor is as socialist as Obama is! They want it all!! They want total control and set up an elitist totalitarian government and Obama is handing this country to them on a silver platter!
As for our 2nd Amendment rights: Get ready to give them up. He and Hillary are planning to sign a treaty with the United Nations to ban ALL private ownership of guns or ammunition! First, I have a real big problem with the United Nations its self. I do not think we need them. America first and only is my motto. Who needs to have us lower our standards in order to not offend another nation? Real common sense: Iran selected for the committee on Woman's rights!? Puleeese.......... Now Obama is selling our used brass to China vice letting the ammunition manufacturers in this country have it so they can make more ammo. What the hell do you think China is doing with it???? Making trinkets??? Yeah, in 7.62x39mm!!!!
All this said, I can't imagine Obama surviving another term in office. If he does, I don't think America will survive. As I have said before and I will say it again, I DO NOT advocate armed insurrection however if We the People don't stand up and be counted this is exactly what will happen to take this country back. I pray it doesn't come down to that but with the illegals flowing over our borders and 22,000 murders, rapes, kidnappings and other felonies along the border in the last four years, now Obama pulling all his B.S. and the dems not listening and ramming all sorts of unpalatable legislation down our throats, it appears to me that this is almost a certainty. Sure is setting us up for another Revolution!!! Maybe even a race war. Think about it, he is creating such racial strife and turmoil that it is almost a fore gone conclusion.
His agenda is to control the media and only have America hear HIS truth and no other!!! Now is this not shades of the Bolsheviks? Nazi's? Muslims? All totalitarian governments know that one of the first things to be controlled is the media. So that their agenda can be promoted with out opposition. That is the key. His czar for the FCC is working hard to control the internet as well as the media. His agenda matches the big Zero's in controlling our freedom to hear what we want...
I can not stress enough that this man is out to destroy America in any way he can. Usurping our bill of Rights as quickly as he can. Kind of like what I heard the other day: If a Republican does something that hurts or isn't in the interest of good health, he just walks away from it. If a Democrat incurs the same thing he tries to ban that from EVERYONE by legislating it out of existance. Where has freedom of choice gone? Yes, America has grown fat and obese as well as complacent. However, can our government dictate us back to good health? NO they can't. Obama is going to try to however!
Look at his effort to ban salt from processed foods, listing of calories and salt on labels, pulling of soda from schools raplacing it with diet soda.... Now let me ask you if you have seen any where the government forcing schools to enforce Physical Education? To get our precious little buggers back in some symbolance of physical shape and off their little duffs? Have you seen big brother require our children to get out from behind the boob toob and not play so much internet and video games? How about have you seen our beloved government enforce teaching the truth in history and not the progressive diversity agenda? Have you seen them empower our teachers to teach and not just be baby sitters and politically correct in indoctrinating our kids to Cradle to Grave government? No you haven't. But Obama is heading this country in that direction as hard and fast as he can! With the help of the progressives in congress, liberal left Acadamia and big unions! He is rallying the black vote because of entitlement and racism, he is rallying the support of the illegal aliens for the same reasons. Big labor is as socialist as Obama is! They want it all!! They want total control and set up an elitist totalitarian government and Obama is handing this country to them on a silver platter!
As for our 2nd Amendment rights: Get ready to give them up. He and Hillary are planning to sign a treaty with the United Nations to ban ALL private ownership of guns or ammunition! First, I have a real big problem with the United Nations its self. I do not think we need them. America first and only is my motto. Who needs to have us lower our standards in order to not offend another nation? Real common sense: Iran selected for the committee on Woman's rights!? Puleeese.......... Now Obama is selling our used brass to China vice letting the ammunition manufacturers in this country have it so they can make more ammo. What the hell do you think China is doing with it???? Making trinkets??? Yeah, in 7.62x39mm!!!!
All this said, I can't imagine Obama surviving another term in office. If he does, I don't think America will survive. As I have said before and I will say it again, I DO NOT advocate armed insurrection however if We the People don't stand up and be counted this is exactly what will happen to take this country back. I pray it doesn't come down to that but with the illegals flowing over our borders and 22,000 murders, rapes, kidnappings and other felonies along the border in the last four years, now Obama pulling all his B.S. and the dems not listening and ramming all sorts of unpalatable legislation down our throats, it appears to me that this is almost a certainty. Sure is setting us up for another Revolution!!! Maybe even a race war. Think about it, he is creating such racial strife and turmoil that it is almost a fore gone conclusion.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Arizona's new law. Texas is following suit along with several other states.
Arizona's governor signed into law a bill that will effectively start weeding out and deporting those who have come into this country illegally. This is a land mark ruling that is unprecedented.
There have been many demonstrations against this law by LULAC and many individuals of hispanic heritage. Not only them but Obama has come out publically and said this is being reviewed for it's Constitutionality. Why? Mr. Obama hasn't worried about the Constitution yet. He has been busy shredding our founding document as hard and fast as he can. Along with the progressives and democrats in congress! Yes there are progressives in the Republican party as well that are doing their best to destroy it! Now Al Sharpton is jumping on the band wagon saying he and his groupies will go to Arizona and do all they can to get themselves arrested. Is he jealous of Dr. King and feel that he has to do everything he can to upstage him and make himself look like a hero??? Well rat spit! Maybe we should ignore some glaring facts just like the above named individuals:
When the statistics are known, there is NO doubt that we need to do something! The feds won't. They ignore 22,000 murders, rapes, kidnappings and other felonies committed since 2002. Folks that is more than the entire casualty list from Iraq and Afghanistan!!! The statistic that crime is almost the same in Arizona as it is in New York City!!! And they only have half the population of NYC!!! This along three state borders..... Any wonder why we want legislation like this? What about all the money the feds have spent on the "virtual fence" that simply does not work? We find as I wrote last week that the law enforcement agencies are out gunned, out manned, and out financed! The drug cartel's are almost running the border at will!
The law signed into effect gives law enforcement the "teeth" it has needed to enforce the law. First, it is not racial profiling. It is if you are stopped, there has to be reasonable cause in order for the officer to pull you over. If the driver or passenger can not produce a valid driver's licence or insurance then that is against the law. OUR law. If they run which many do so as not to be caught, that is against the law. For the passenger not to produce a valid I D is also against the law. So the law has to be broken. I don't think that is racial profiling.
Now Utah is proposing this legislation as well as Texas. In accordance with the rights of each state being soveriegn, the Constitution guarantees that we as states CAN do this to protect our border. 10th Amendment..... 14th Amendment. Arizona and Utah, Texas and many other states are "under siege" from illegal immigrants and therefore under attack. In light of the crime rates and the type of crimes being committed and the monies spent on enforcement of the law. So go ahead and look at the constitutionality mr obama, and how about doing the job the feds need to do which is seal off the border!!!
And by the way, the Immigration and Naturalization Service regulations SPECIFICALLY state that each immigrant WILL carry ON THEIR PERSON DOCUMNETATION issued for legal status AT ALL TIMES!!!
There have been many demonstrations against this law by LULAC and many individuals of hispanic heritage. Not only them but Obama has come out publically and said this is being reviewed for it's Constitutionality. Why? Mr. Obama hasn't worried about the Constitution yet. He has been busy shredding our founding document as hard and fast as he can. Along with the progressives and democrats in congress! Yes there are progressives in the Republican party as well that are doing their best to destroy it! Now Al Sharpton is jumping on the band wagon saying he and his groupies will go to Arizona and do all they can to get themselves arrested. Is he jealous of Dr. King and feel that he has to do everything he can to upstage him and make himself look like a hero??? Well rat spit! Maybe we should ignore some glaring facts just like the above named individuals:
When the statistics are known, there is NO doubt that we need to do something! The feds won't. They ignore 22,000 murders, rapes, kidnappings and other felonies committed since 2002. Folks that is more than the entire casualty list from Iraq and Afghanistan!!! The statistic that crime is almost the same in Arizona as it is in New York City!!! And they only have half the population of NYC!!! This along three state borders..... Any wonder why we want legislation like this? What about all the money the feds have spent on the "virtual fence" that simply does not work? We find as I wrote last week that the law enforcement agencies are out gunned, out manned, and out financed! The drug cartel's are almost running the border at will!
The law signed into effect gives law enforcement the "teeth" it has needed to enforce the law. First, it is not racial profiling. It is if you are stopped, there has to be reasonable cause in order for the officer to pull you over. If the driver or passenger can not produce a valid driver's licence or insurance then that is against the law. OUR law. If they run which many do so as not to be caught, that is against the law. For the passenger not to produce a valid I D is also against the law. So the law has to be broken. I don't think that is racial profiling.
Now Utah is proposing this legislation as well as Texas. In accordance with the rights of each state being soveriegn, the Constitution guarantees that we as states CAN do this to protect our border. 10th Amendment..... 14th Amendment. Arizona and Utah, Texas and many other states are "under siege" from illegal immigrants and therefore under attack. In light of the crime rates and the type of crimes being committed and the monies spent on enforcement of the law. So go ahead and look at the constitutionality mr obama, and how about doing the job the feds need to do which is seal off the border!!!
And by the way, the Immigration and Naturalization Service regulations SPECIFICALLY state that each immigrant WILL carry ON THEIR PERSON DOCUMNETATION issued for legal status AT ALL TIMES!!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Tea Partiers: Vote Republican
I have seen some disturbing poll results this week. Fox News is showing that the democrats are leading in the polls for November reelection. Republicans next and Tea Party last.
What disturbs me is history. History of the Presidential election that brought Bill Clinton to the white house. We who are Tea Partiers are NOT a political party but a conglomeration of democrats, republicans and independants who are fed up with the business as usual crowd in Washington. Fed up with the elected officials increasing governmental intrusion and take over of every aspect of our lives. Fed up with our elected officials NOT listening to the will of their constituents. Fed up with big lobby getting their way vice us getting our will. Yes this includes big unions/labor whose greed has turned our economy upside down. Fed up with the community organizer that wants nothing more than socialism in this country and to shred and trample on our Constitution!!!
The historic fact I am referring to is what I call the H. Ross Perot effect that drew off enough votes from the Republican party that actually won the election for Bill "slick willy" Clinton. Who by the way smoked pot but never inhaled!!!! Perot had some good foundational ideas that would have worked but did not have the endorsement of the Republican party. This country is founded on a two party system and, as many faults as it has, works. What doesn't work is drawing off votes from one or the other.
As I understand it, we in the Tea Party movement are NOT a political party but a medium to express our discontent for BOTH organized parties. As well as those who ignore the will of the People and our Constitution. With this in mind, regardless of your party affiliation, we need to unite in our effort to vote out those who don't listen to us, who cowtow to big lobby and the "career" politician.
At this point the left and Obama is pulling out all the stops by using the race card against us now as per the "study" done by Brandies University grouping US with the "right wing extremists" called the Neo Nazi's!!! I am extemely angry about this. Not only that but the left has also started to call for infiltration of our ranks in the Tea Party movement with leftist who will act in such a manner to discredit us and make us look like idiots and racists. The attack is on folks and each of us had best know this history and understand that they will do anything including violence to nullify our intent!!! I recommend reading Obama's play book: Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky which he follows to the letter!
I also recommend throwing our support behind the GOP vice trying to become a political party. Yes the GOP has in recent years gotten away from the basic principles the party was founded on but there is enough discontent amoung us that the RINO's won't survive the primaries. If you are a democrat use the same yard stick to pick a good conservative candidate to run in November!
By doing the above, we will ensure a sweep of the House and Senate to counter the socialists and progressives and Obama will get the message that he is on his way out and that We the People will NOT tolerate our Constitution being ignored, shredded and trampled!
A word here to underline and emphasise: Listen to Glenn Beck and Alvada King.... Non violence is the answer and the victory. We are out to win our country back from the left wing progressive socialists who would have us a part of the "one world government". We are all about a second American Revolution but not one of armed insurrection or violence!!!
Let's take our country back in November!
What disturbs me is history. History of the Presidential election that brought Bill Clinton to the white house. We who are Tea Partiers are NOT a political party but a conglomeration of democrats, republicans and independants who are fed up with the business as usual crowd in Washington. Fed up with the elected officials increasing governmental intrusion and take over of every aspect of our lives. Fed up with our elected officials NOT listening to the will of their constituents. Fed up with big lobby getting their way vice us getting our will. Yes this includes big unions/labor whose greed has turned our economy upside down. Fed up with the community organizer that wants nothing more than socialism in this country and to shred and trample on our Constitution!!!
The historic fact I am referring to is what I call the H. Ross Perot effect that drew off enough votes from the Republican party that actually won the election for Bill "slick willy" Clinton. Who by the way smoked pot but never inhaled!!!! Perot had some good foundational ideas that would have worked but did not have the endorsement of the Republican party. This country is founded on a two party system and, as many faults as it has, works. What doesn't work is drawing off votes from one or the other.
As I understand it, we in the Tea Party movement are NOT a political party but a medium to express our discontent for BOTH organized parties. As well as those who ignore the will of the People and our Constitution. With this in mind, regardless of your party affiliation, we need to unite in our effort to vote out those who don't listen to us, who cowtow to big lobby and the "career" politician.
At this point the left and Obama is pulling out all the stops by using the race card against us now as per the "study" done by Brandies University grouping US with the "right wing extremists" called the Neo Nazi's!!! I am extemely angry about this. Not only that but the left has also started to call for infiltration of our ranks in the Tea Party movement with leftist who will act in such a manner to discredit us and make us look like idiots and racists. The attack is on folks and each of us had best know this history and understand that they will do anything including violence to nullify our intent!!! I recommend reading Obama's play book: Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky which he follows to the letter!
I also recommend throwing our support behind the GOP vice trying to become a political party. Yes the GOP has in recent years gotten away from the basic principles the party was founded on but there is enough discontent amoung us that the RINO's won't survive the primaries. If you are a democrat use the same yard stick to pick a good conservative candidate to run in November!
By doing the above, we will ensure a sweep of the House and Senate to counter the socialists and progressives and Obama will get the message that he is on his way out and that We the People will NOT tolerate our Constitution being ignored, shredded and trampled!
A word here to underline and emphasise: Listen to Glenn Beck and Alvada King.... Non violence is the answer and the victory. We are out to win our country back from the left wing progressive socialists who would have us a part of the "one world government". We are all about a second American Revolution but not one of armed insurrection or violence!!!
Let's take our country back in November!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Illegal Immigration and the Proposed "Amnesty" legislation......
Houston, We have a PROBLEM!!!
Along with the plethora of other major problems we are facing, there is one that we are facing that is totally OUT of CONTROL. That of illegal immigration to our country. As I have stated before in other blogs, I am NOT a racist nor am I a bigot. So bear with me and I will expose this issue that needs to be dealt with firmly and quickly.
Living in Texas and being a native of Texas, we live in generally peaceful coexistance with our citizens of hispanic heritage. As a matter of fact, we have, since our foundation as a Republic, in which many Mexican citizens fought for Texas Independance along with those of the European heritage, lived in coexistance. That being said, our cultures are blended here and we are proud of that heritage. The separation between Texas and Mexico is the Rio Grande river. Generally respected by both sides.
Where the rub comes in is that since that inception as a Republic and later a State is the flow of Mexican citizens coming across that river illegally. For what ever reason, coming across without applying for a work visa is wrong. I have no problem with people wanting to come here to better their lives and support their families. I do have a problem with those who come here in the night without the proper authority and appropriate visa. I have a big problem with this. Not only are they going about it illegally but they are not paying taxes and sending most of that money back to Mexico. Yes they do take jobs that are menial labor but sometimes the jobs they take are not menial. Like construction and such where they are required to be a union member! I.E. SEIU who actually has the AUDACITY to claim they are recruiting illegal aliens to their ranks! While ACORN signs them up to vote and finds them FEDERAL funding for buyng a house and property...
Now we are experiencing a much greater problem. That of the drug cartels manning the border for the soul purpose of main lining their death into the U.S. for profit. They are now making so much money they are buying state of the art weapons and military technology to accomplish this. Now they are using that technology to avoid detection by Border Patrol and DEA for not only the many illegals coming across, but to bring their drugs in massive amounts across. Prior to last week, there have been isolated incidents of these "coyotes" killing U.S. citizens to avoid detection. Now it is becoming blatant. A rancher in Arizona was killed by these people. For what? Why? Because he believed the same way most of us do!!! Stop the illegal influx and he was trying to protect HIS rightful property. This is not self defense it is nothing short of MURDER!!! Alot of that is going on in Mexico, but that is Mexico's problem, this is OURS and it invovles both countries..... We see the Mexican Federalies combating this problem and are cooperating with them as well as they with us. This is a good thing. Mexico is doing all they can to do their part and we are helping. But is this enough? Now that murder and illegal drugs are the motivator? Personally I don't think so.
I feel this problem is going to escalate exponentially from here until WE take a more definitive and strong stand. In my opinion we need to now get the militay involved. Just last week, a cartel in a number of "bullet proof" SUV's aggressively and purposely attacked a Mexican military base near the border. The military responded and after the gun battle 18 cartel members were dead. No word on how many Mexican army troops were injured or killed. This is getting extremely serious folks. What the cartels want is NO opposition to crossing the border and they use commercial trucks, rail road,s air craft, boats and illegals to mule this poison into our country... Time to get tough. We need the National Guard, State Guard and Military to man the borders and seal them off. To answer the threat of violence with superior fire power until all concerned on the other side understands that they will die if they try to cross illegally or get caught running drugs. No ands ifs or buts. They will die. If they kill or injur an American citizen they will die. If they try to intimidate ranchers or farmers along the border, they will be dealt with severely.
Secondly is the problem of radicals infiltrating across the Mexican border as in the case of the would be bomber who came across the border illegally and was living in Dallas for three years before his attempt to blow up the Federal building in Dallas last year. This young man is a Jordanian citizen! With the world of international terror and illegal arms dealers out of control, I make my case for even stronger military force to stop this insanity. The Border Patrol ( INS ) and DEA are far out numbered and with the money the cartels are making and expending on weapons and technology are OUTGUNNED and OUTMANNED.
Third is the illegals coming across the border to have their children born in this country. Not highly publicized, it happens much more than the public knows. These women come over here before and sometimes in labor, show up at local emergency rooms and deliver just to have their babies born in this country. Making them American citizens, automatically gives mom and family green card and eligable for welfare, food stamps wic and ssi.... All funded by MY tax dollars and YOURS!!! Many times there has been NO prenatal care and with the rate of diabetes in hispanic population, a good percentage of these babies are born in crisis which requires evacuation to a facility with neonatal ICU's and all at OUR expense. Many have relatives here whether legal or not this is what they do to gain residency and welfare.... I am livid about this. I have worked on too many "bad" babies and seen too much of this. Then they go back to Mexico, draw their American welfare, and food stamps and come back across to buy better quality food and medicines then take them back across the border and live like KINGS!!!
This needs to stop by legislation. Making it illegal to do so and when they do they get sent right back where they came from to deliver and NO citizenship for any of them. No benefits, no nothing except deportation. Stop this and we could balance the National budget in five years with the money we would save!
For those employers who hire illegals, unions that recruit them and individuals as well as organizations that harbor and give safe haven to them, they need to have very stiff fines and prison terms levied on them. Individuals, relatives or not, convicted of harboring illegal aliens need to be imprisoned and then deported with no chance of applying for legal immigration. If those that do harbor these illegals are legal citizens then if convicted forfiet their citizenship.
Our "government" in their screwed up logic now wants to give them amnesty and grant those already here citizenship. They, in this "new" legislation, are wanting to have the illegals report their employers so they can be prosecuted!!! In return for amnesty and citizenship... Do they think we are stupid??? This is the screwed up logic being used by our congressmen in D.C.!!!! What the illegals want is to earn the money they do, send it back to Mexico to their families so they can live like kings in THAT country, NOT America... What JERKS and IDIOTS those in congress are who believe this will work! Once again I ask you: Have you ever seen a government founded and funded program that works or works efficiently??? I haven't.....
Along with the plethora of other major problems we are facing, there is one that we are facing that is totally OUT of CONTROL. That of illegal immigration to our country. As I have stated before in other blogs, I am NOT a racist nor am I a bigot. So bear with me and I will expose this issue that needs to be dealt with firmly and quickly.
Living in Texas and being a native of Texas, we live in generally peaceful coexistance with our citizens of hispanic heritage. As a matter of fact, we have, since our foundation as a Republic, in which many Mexican citizens fought for Texas Independance along with those of the European heritage, lived in coexistance. That being said, our cultures are blended here and we are proud of that heritage. The separation between Texas and Mexico is the Rio Grande river. Generally respected by both sides.
Where the rub comes in is that since that inception as a Republic and later a State is the flow of Mexican citizens coming across that river illegally. For what ever reason, coming across without applying for a work visa is wrong. I have no problem with people wanting to come here to better their lives and support their families. I do have a problem with those who come here in the night without the proper authority and appropriate visa. I have a big problem with this. Not only are they going about it illegally but they are not paying taxes and sending most of that money back to Mexico. Yes they do take jobs that are menial labor but sometimes the jobs they take are not menial. Like construction and such where they are required to be a union member! I.E. SEIU who actually has the AUDACITY to claim they are recruiting illegal aliens to their ranks! While ACORN signs them up to vote and finds them FEDERAL funding for buyng a house and property...
Now we are experiencing a much greater problem. That of the drug cartels manning the border for the soul purpose of main lining their death into the U.S. for profit. They are now making so much money they are buying state of the art weapons and military technology to accomplish this. Now they are using that technology to avoid detection by Border Patrol and DEA for not only the many illegals coming across, but to bring their drugs in massive amounts across. Prior to last week, there have been isolated incidents of these "coyotes" killing U.S. citizens to avoid detection. Now it is becoming blatant. A rancher in Arizona was killed by these people. For what? Why? Because he believed the same way most of us do!!! Stop the illegal influx and he was trying to protect HIS rightful property. This is not self defense it is nothing short of MURDER!!! Alot of that is going on in Mexico, but that is Mexico's problem, this is OURS and it invovles both countries..... We see the Mexican Federalies combating this problem and are cooperating with them as well as they with us. This is a good thing. Mexico is doing all they can to do their part and we are helping. But is this enough? Now that murder and illegal drugs are the motivator? Personally I don't think so.
I feel this problem is going to escalate exponentially from here until WE take a more definitive and strong stand. In my opinion we need to now get the militay involved. Just last week, a cartel in a number of "bullet proof" SUV's aggressively and purposely attacked a Mexican military base near the border. The military responded and after the gun battle 18 cartel members were dead. No word on how many Mexican army troops were injured or killed. This is getting extremely serious folks. What the cartels want is NO opposition to crossing the border and they use commercial trucks, rail road,s air craft, boats and illegals to mule this poison into our country... Time to get tough. We need the National Guard, State Guard and Military to man the borders and seal them off. To answer the threat of violence with superior fire power until all concerned on the other side understands that they will die if they try to cross illegally or get caught running drugs. No ands ifs or buts. They will die. If they kill or injur an American citizen they will die. If they try to intimidate ranchers or farmers along the border, they will be dealt with severely.
Secondly is the problem of radicals infiltrating across the Mexican border as in the case of the would be bomber who came across the border illegally and was living in Dallas for three years before his attempt to blow up the Federal building in Dallas last year. This young man is a Jordanian citizen! With the world of international terror and illegal arms dealers out of control, I make my case for even stronger military force to stop this insanity. The Border Patrol ( INS ) and DEA are far out numbered and with the money the cartels are making and expending on weapons and technology are OUTGUNNED and OUTMANNED.
Third is the illegals coming across the border to have their children born in this country. Not highly publicized, it happens much more than the public knows. These women come over here before and sometimes in labor, show up at local emergency rooms and deliver just to have their babies born in this country. Making them American citizens, automatically gives mom and family green card and eligable for welfare, food stamps wic and ssi.... All funded by MY tax dollars and YOURS!!! Many times there has been NO prenatal care and with the rate of diabetes in hispanic population, a good percentage of these babies are born in crisis which requires evacuation to a facility with neonatal ICU's and all at OUR expense. Many have relatives here whether legal or not this is what they do to gain residency and welfare.... I am livid about this. I have worked on too many "bad" babies and seen too much of this. Then they go back to Mexico, draw their American welfare, and food stamps and come back across to buy better quality food and medicines then take them back across the border and live like KINGS!!!
This needs to stop by legislation. Making it illegal to do so and when they do they get sent right back where they came from to deliver and NO citizenship for any of them. No benefits, no nothing except deportation. Stop this and we could balance the National budget in five years with the money we would save!
For those employers who hire illegals, unions that recruit them and individuals as well as organizations that harbor and give safe haven to them, they need to have very stiff fines and prison terms levied on them. Individuals, relatives or not, convicted of harboring illegal aliens need to be imprisoned and then deported with no chance of applying for legal immigration. If those that do harbor these illegals are legal citizens then if convicted forfiet their citizenship.
Our "government" in their screwed up logic now wants to give them amnesty and grant those already here citizenship. They, in this "new" legislation, are wanting to have the illegals report their employers so they can be prosecuted!!! In return for amnesty and citizenship... Do they think we are stupid??? This is the screwed up logic being used by our congressmen in D.C.!!!! What the illegals want is to earn the money they do, send it back to Mexico to their families so they can live like kings in THAT country, NOT America... What JERKS and IDIOTS those in congress are who believe this will work! Once again I ask you: Have you ever seen a government founded and funded program that works or works efficiently??? I haven't.....
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Racism: Who is really keeping all this going?
Who is really keeping racism going?
I don't know if any of you feel the way I do, I hope so. The current situation in this country is deplorable regarding many issues but one in specific just puts a burr under my saddle. It makes me nuts and raises many quesitons we should ALL be thinking about and fighting against.
Racism in this country...
I am a WASP. White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Am I ashamed of that? No, I am not. I am proud of my heritage for in my blood line is John Adams and Sam Houston. Each fought for this country's freedom and the freedom from the tyrrany of Mexico. Along with many relatives who have answered the call to action to defend this great nation who in their own right did as much as the above men. I come from a long line of patriots and I am a patriot as are my children.
Being raised in the great state of Texas, we did'nt really look at race as have others. Segregation I never understood but in this state my family disdained this institution and won out before the nation did. Yes we all noted the difference in color and status, but never in my memory did we treat others with elitist or superior attitudes. My family treated everyone equally and that is the way I grew up. As we started to go overseas to third world countries for drilling contracts, I learned a new appreciation for people of different cultures and religions. They generally treated us with respect and did we them.
I in no way downplay the civil rights movement in the sixties which i witnessed first hand. This was a great moment in American history. Dr. King achieved many things but this was his greatest work and rectified a major wrong this country had perpetrated against a race of people. Yes as Americans, we need to look at this as a mistake made from the last remnants of our British heritage in part.
I enlisted 4 April 1968. The day Dr. King was assassinated. Most of us were shocked and sickened. A few rejoiced, and a few promised race war. I will never forget that day, not only for that but for the oath I swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic and to bear true faith and allegience to the same. I have never read in the constitution where there is any reference to race creed or color. I swore to protect us as Americans one and all.
Now I went through the racial violence of Watts, the riots and the black panthers. I saw racial violence when I got back to Okinawa after a year in Vietnam. During that year my Marines protected each other as I did them. The only color we saw was O.D. green. So we were confused when we got back and many of us denounced racially motivated gatherings and segregation happening there.
What I have seen since is the self segregating actions by many people. Calling themselves black and now the buzz word is African Americans. I totally dis agree with this epithet on the grounds that it continues to segregate those who use it. Woodrow Wilson is the one who started the segregation in the military and supported segregation in public. My question here and food for thought comes from a recent video of an interview by Wolf Blitzer of CNN with Michael Steele chairman of the Republican National Committee. Blitzer all but accused the Republican party of discrimination. He cited a sign held by a Tea Partier of Obama as a witch doctor over Obamacare. Mr. Steele should be commended for his demeanor, composure and thinking in the obvious and makine Mr. Blitzer look like he was inciting and inflaming racial issue. To discredit Tea Partiers and the RNC. Mr. Steele slam dunked him big time!!! As rightfully he should have. So we see another attempt by the "lame stream media" to keep race in the forefront. We also have seen since Lord Obama has taken office, that if any one of us dis agree with him or his policies, that same media and progressive politicians, we are accused of being racists. So who is really at the bottom of this?
We are ALL Americans, white black brown or yellow. Why do some continue to claim other nationalities and try to combine them with being American.? I don't understand this concept. I don't use it and my family and friends don't use it. Why? Because WE are AMERICANS!
I don't know if any of you feel the way I do, I hope so. The current situation in this country is deplorable regarding many issues but one in specific just puts a burr under my saddle. It makes me nuts and raises many quesitons we should ALL be thinking about and fighting against.
Racism in this country...
I am a WASP. White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Am I ashamed of that? No, I am not. I am proud of my heritage for in my blood line is John Adams and Sam Houston. Each fought for this country's freedom and the freedom from the tyrrany of Mexico. Along with many relatives who have answered the call to action to defend this great nation who in their own right did as much as the above men. I come from a long line of patriots and I am a patriot as are my children.
Being raised in the great state of Texas, we did'nt really look at race as have others. Segregation I never understood but in this state my family disdained this institution and won out before the nation did. Yes we all noted the difference in color and status, but never in my memory did we treat others with elitist or superior attitudes. My family treated everyone equally and that is the way I grew up. As we started to go overseas to third world countries for drilling contracts, I learned a new appreciation for people of different cultures and religions. They generally treated us with respect and did we them.
I in no way downplay the civil rights movement in the sixties which i witnessed first hand. This was a great moment in American history. Dr. King achieved many things but this was his greatest work and rectified a major wrong this country had perpetrated against a race of people. Yes as Americans, we need to look at this as a mistake made from the last remnants of our British heritage in part.
I enlisted 4 April 1968. The day Dr. King was assassinated. Most of us were shocked and sickened. A few rejoiced, and a few promised race war. I will never forget that day, not only for that but for the oath I swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic and to bear true faith and allegience to the same. I have never read in the constitution where there is any reference to race creed or color. I swore to protect us as Americans one and all.
Now I went through the racial violence of Watts, the riots and the black panthers. I saw racial violence when I got back to Okinawa after a year in Vietnam. During that year my Marines protected each other as I did them. The only color we saw was O.D. green. So we were confused when we got back and many of us denounced racially motivated gatherings and segregation happening there.
What I have seen since is the self segregating actions by many people. Calling themselves black and now the buzz word is African Americans. I totally dis agree with this epithet on the grounds that it continues to segregate those who use it. Woodrow Wilson is the one who started the segregation in the military and supported segregation in public. My question here and food for thought comes from a recent video of an interview by Wolf Blitzer of CNN with Michael Steele chairman of the Republican National Committee. Blitzer all but accused the Republican party of discrimination. He cited a sign held by a Tea Partier of Obama as a witch doctor over Obamacare. Mr. Steele should be commended for his demeanor, composure and thinking in the obvious and makine Mr. Blitzer look like he was inciting and inflaming racial issue. To discredit Tea Partiers and the RNC. Mr. Steele slam dunked him big time!!! As rightfully he should have. So we see another attempt by the "lame stream media" to keep race in the forefront. We also have seen since Lord Obama has taken office, that if any one of us dis agree with him or his policies, that same media and progressive politicians, we are accused of being racists. So who is really at the bottom of this?
We are ALL Americans, white black brown or yellow. Why do some continue to claim other nationalities and try to combine them with being American.? I don't understand this concept. I don't use it and my family and friends don't use it. Why? Because WE are AMERICANS!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Line in the Sand Has Been Drawn
Now we know what we are fighting! With each lie, we get a little smarter and wiser to Obama's lies and real intentions.
I haven't even figured out all that is in the bill now law but what I have seen is everything that is in it is everything the marxist progressives have wanted for years!!! Obama and his marxist regime in the White House have figured out that We the People will NOT tolerate his moves to socialize OUR country. He is barely smart enough to understand that as soon as we see what he is up to We the People will throw him and his communist buddies and that includes the union bosses OUT!
What they have done in this bill (law) is include all that the marxist progressives have wanted for years!!! There are provisions for Obama's civilian defense force in section 5210 that authorizes him to raise a defense force of "regular and reserve officers" and at first glance one would think it pertains to medical personnel. Upon closer inspection it is very specific that it actually pertains to a para military organization that answers to Obama! He said at the outset that he wanted a civilian defence force equal to and as strong as the military. Why? Is that not the purpose of law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels? Why would he need such a force? I refer you to the history of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Red China and on and on! Draw the paralels folks it is all there to read and understand that this communist bastard wants to take over completely and set up him and his minions as a supreme ruler over a socialist state... That his whole intent is to shred our Constitution and put us under his rule completely.
Now if this happens who will be in that Civilian Defense Force? Who does he pander to now? People of color, the welfare society, hispanics, muslims. The under achievers, the lazy hand out society that thinks we owe them a living. The followers of Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakan who do nothing but whine about their ancestors being slaves and how America should be destroyed. About why America owes them a living and why they should have everything given to them and we should expect to make them a living crowd! The Unions spouting Workers of the World Unite! Who do you think will be in charge? The elitists including the above and Commissar Obama!
What can we do to prevent this take over from happening? At this point, I feel it is almost too late for civilities. I am NOT an advocate of armed insurrection nor do I suggest armed revolution. However, should what I am seeing in the above statement happen, then Revolution will happen. Be prepared for anything. Right now, our goal should be to vote all the incumbents who have leaned toward big government and social reform OUT in November. They are slick. Watch them and they will try to smooth things over and convince us that all is well and we will like it. Just to get re elected. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!!! Vote out any incumbent that even suggests that we need social justice. That is a communist rhetoric dating back before the last century straight out of Karl Marx.
We also need to guard against electing right wing extremists as well. What did he say??? Yep, I said that. As much as I am one, this system of government was based on a centerist form of governing and compromise to the middle ground for fairness and equality for all those governed. Thomas Jefferson said it best: "The government that governs least is the government that governs best".
Demand that your elected official adhere to the Constitution. If they don't them vote THEM out as well.
A word of Caution here: In recent days, I have seen accusations against Tea Partiers for racial slurs and some violence. Saul Alinsky, the head commie,whose book Rules for Radicals Obama is using as his playbook, said " Never let a good crisis go unexploited". This is what they want us to do!!! To "show" the American people how violent we are and they are ALWAYS pulling the racist card on us and telling us that if we don't like the big Zero that we are racist. They will exploit even the smallest of incidents and use them to their advantage!!! Like the radicals of the sixties that they really are. They would incite riots and taunt those against them to violence and racial trouble then spout to the public how they had been abused and violated when all they wanted was a peaceful demonstration! Peace and Love man.... Bull!!! That was their whole intent and who organized it? Saul Alinsky! Why do you think the Kent State incident happened? It was not the fault of the National Guard folks!!! So please DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR TACTICS.
Do what you know is best for our Country, our Rights and our Constitution and talk it up to everyone you know. Find the right candidate to run against the incumbent that isn't listening. Demand that your candidate run on a fiscal responsibility, small government platform. Host "Town Hall" meetings, get with your local political officials and get behind them and talk it up! Write articles for your local paper, do radio spots and what ever you do remember: The progressive/communist regime in D.C. is counting that YOU and I will forget by November!!!! Don't let them get by with it!!! Keep the will of the people in the forefront of your mind!!! Keep reminding people what this bill includes and ask them if this is what they voted for!!!! They are also counting on you and I NOT reading this abortion of a law and understanding what it does to ALL freedom loving Americans.
Go to Patriot and buy the bumber sticker that says: Make a liberal angry: work hard and prosper...
There are some that will claim I am a bigot. I must admit that they are making it extremely difficult not to be, but my prejudices are: Stupidity, Arrogance and Ignorance both individual and cultural. And these know no ethnic, racial or cultural boundries!!! There are idiots, bigots and arrogant people in all walks of life. DON'T BE Amoung them! We all bleed red... And in the words of our beloved Gunny R. Lee Ermy: Your'e all equally worthless to serve in MY beloved Corps!!!
Stand Up America!!!
Semper Fi
The battle line is drawn: We have seen in this massive health care bill the democrats and progressives have rammed down out throats, many things that are inclusive and unrelated. Such as the power grab at education loans!!!
This my friends is not the only inclusion! The lies Harry Ried and Nancy Pelosi, et al have told about this bill being very complicated and the process ugly were NOT lies!!!I haven't even figured out all that is in the bill now law but what I have seen is everything that is in it is everything the marxist progressives have wanted for years!!! Obama and his marxist regime in the White House have figured out that We the People will NOT tolerate his moves to socialize OUR country. He is barely smart enough to understand that as soon as we see what he is up to We the People will throw him and his communist buddies and that includes the union bosses OUT!
What they have done in this bill (law) is include all that the marxist progressives have wanted for years!!! There are provisions for Obama's civilian defense force in section 5210 that authorizes him to raise a defense force of "regular and reserve officers" and at first glance one would think it pertains to medical personnel. Upon closer inspection it is very specific that it actually pertains to a para military organization that answers to Obama! He said at the outset that he wanted a civilian defence force equal to and as strong as the military. Why? Is that not the purpose of law enforcement at the local, state and federal levels? Why would he need such a force? I refer you to the history of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Red China and on and on! Draw the paralels folks it is all there to read and understand that this communist bastard wants to take over completely and set up him and his minions as a supreme ruler over a socialist state... That his whole intent is to shred our Constitution and put us under his rule completely.
Now if this happens who will be in that Civilian Defense Force? Who does he pander to now? People of color, the welfare society, hispanics, muslims. The under achievers, the lazy hand out society that thinks we owe them a living. The followers of Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakan who do nothing but whine about their ancestors being slaves and how America should be destroyed. About why America owes them a living and why they should have everything given to them and we should expect to make them a living crowd! The Unions spouting Workers of the World Unite! Who do you think will be in charge? The elitists including the above and Commissar Obama!
What can we do to prevent this take over from happening? At this point, I feel it is almost too late for civilities. I am NOT an advocate of armed insurrection nor do I suggest armed revolution. However, should what I am seeing in the above statement happen, then Revolution will happen. Be prepared for anything. Right now, our goal should be to vote all the incumbents who have leaned toward big government and social reform OUT in November. They are slick. Watch them and they will try to smooth things over and convince us that all is well and we will like it. Just to get re elected. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!!! Vote out any incumbent that even suggests that we need social justice. That is a communist rhetoric dating back before the last century straight out of Karl Marx.
We also need to guard against electing right wing extremists as well. What did he say??? Yep, I said that. As much as I am one, this system of government was based on a centerist form of governing and compromise to the middle ground for fairness and equality for all those governed. Thomas Jefferson said it best: "The government that governs least is the government that governs best".
Demand that your elected official adhere to the Constitution. If they don't them vote THEM out as well.
A word of Caution here: In recent days, I have seen accusations against Tea Partiers for racial slurs and some violence. Saul Alinsky, the head commie,whose book Rules for Radicals Obama is using as his playbook, said " Never let a good crisis go unexploited". This is what they want us to do!!! To "show" the American people how violent we are and they are ALWAYS pulling the racist card on us and telling us that if we don't like the big Zero that we are racist. They will exploit even the smallest of incidents and use them to their advantage!!! Like the radicals of the sixties that they really are. They would incite riots and taunt those against them to violence and racial trouble then spout to the public how they had been abused and violated when all they wanted was a peaceful demonstration! Peace and Love man.... Bull!!! That was their whole intent and who organized it? Saul Alinsky! Why do you think the Kent State incident happened? It was not the fault of the National Guard folks!!! So please DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR TACTICS.
Do what you know is best for our Country, our Rights and our Constitution and talk it up to everyone you know. Find the right candidate to run against the incumbent that isn't listening. Demand that your candidate run on a fiscal responsibility, small government platform. Host "Town Hall" meetings, get with your local political officials and get behind them and talk it up! Write articles for your local paper, do radio spots and what ever you do remember: The progressive/communist regime in D.C. is counting that YOU and I will forget by November!!!! Don't let them get by with it!!! Keep the will of the people in the forefront of your mind!!! Keep reminding people what this bill includes and ask them if this is what they voted for!!!! They are also counting on you and I NOT reading this abortion of a law and understanding what it does to ALL freedom loving Americans.
Go to Patriot and buy the bumber sticker that says: Make a liberal angry: work hard and prosper...
There are some that will claim I am a bigot. I must admit that they are making it extremely difficult not to be, but my prejudices are: Stupidity, Arrogance and Ignorance both individual and cultural. And these know no ethnic, racial or cultural boundries!!! There are idiots, bigots and arrogant people in all walks of life. DON'T BE Amoung them! We all bleed red... And in the words of our beloved Gunny R. Lee Ermy: Your'e all equally worthless to serve in MY beloved Corps!!!
Stand Up America!!!
Semper Fi
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Don't fall for the Progressive's Trick!!!
While watching the news today something hit me and then Glenn Beck backed up what I already knew.
The news media had reported a number of death threats against all the congressmen who voted for the health care bill. A brick was thrown through a window of Rep. Slaughter in New York. Stenny Hoyer held a short conference regarding the D.C. police and FBI getting involved.
Folks, I do not advocate armed insurrection. Nor do I support terroristic threats even to our avowed democratic liberal progressives. Voilence is NOT the answer.
When I heard Mr. Beck draw the parallel of all the sixties radicals and how they went underground then all of a sudden we see them again and they are in all the positions in Obama's court I put two and two together! Now I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but after reading Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals it hit me at the same time he said it!!
One of the ploys for the progressives is to "redefine" the meanings of words and phrases to confuse us and tug at our heart strings and play on our sympathies to get what they want.
The threats and incidents are a ploy to discredit us and our movement to take our country back!! Just like I truly believe that the racial slurs thrown at the black congressmen while they struted through the Tea Party rally was actually a sham by the democrats to discredit the Tea Party! So you see what they are doing is setting us up and taunting us to the point of violence then they'll cry foul!!!! See what I mean?
We MUST maintain our decorum. That is the first rule. Even though we all feel like smacking every one of them upside the head, DON'T give THEM the pleasure of knowing they made you do something to loose! Maintain your cool and smile back! All the while knowing we are working hard to not only take back our country, but defeating them at their own game!!! Victory is SOOOO SWEET when we not only defeat the enemy, but beat them at their own game!
So keep up the pressure and smile back at them! It will drive them crazy and unravel them!
The news media had reported a number of death threats against all the congressmen who voted for the health care bill. A brick was thrown through a window of Rep. Slaughter in New York. Stenny Hoyer held a short conference regarding the D.C. police and FBI getting involved.
Folks, I do not advocate armed insurrection. Nor do I support terroristic threats even to our avowed democratic liberal progressives. Voilence is NOT the answer.
When I heard Mr. Beck draw the parallel of all the sixties radicals and how they went underground then all of a sudden we see them again and they are in all the positions in Obama's court I put two and two together! Now I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but after reading Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals it hit me at the same time he said it!!
One of the ploys for the progressives is to "redefine" the meanings of words and phrases to confuse us and tug at our heart strings and play on our sympathies to get what they want.
The threats and incidents are a ploy to discredit us and our movement to take our country back!! Just like I truly believe that the racial slurs thrown at the black congressmen while they struted through the Tea Party rally was actually a sham by the democrats to discredit the Tea Party! So you see what they are doing is setting us up and taunting us to the point of violence then they'll cry foul!!!! See what I mean?
We MUST maintain our decorum. That is the first rule. Even though we all feel like smacking every one of them upside the head, DON'T give THEM the pleasure of knowing they made you do something to loose! Maintain your cool and smile back! All the while knowing we are working hard to not only take back our country, but defeating them at their own game!!! Victory is SOOOO SWEET when we not only defeat the enemy, but beat them at their own game!
So keep up the pressure and smile back at them! It will drive them crazy and unravel them!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
It has come to the point in our country's history that our future is now at stake! Never have I seen so many threats to our liberty, our freedom and our very Constitution from every direction at one time in my life!
It is like the proverbial man keeping his focus on draining the swamp while he is hip deep in little alligators!!! We have been too busy slapping alligators to notice that those pesky protesters of the sixties have now gotten their act together, their education and have been influencing politics to sway the government from with in. Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakan, Jeremiah Wright, Andy Stern, SEIU and many others have now gotten a foot hold in Washington and a mouth piece by the name of Barak Obama. All 32 of his "czars" are all followers of Karl Marx, Saul D. Alinsky and Chairman Mao. Last time I checked, the left wing liberal professors in the ivy covered halls of acadamia have never lived in the real world and do not understand as do you and I how to live on a budget, how to keep a job and what WE think! Yet our youth are expected to swallow all their propounding of how good socialism is and how bad the Constitution is and never telling them that with out exception a socialist government has NEVER succeded! Nor do they want to teach the truth about themselves or people like "bloody" Joe Stalin and murdering of 3 million of his own people, Adolph Hitler, who murdered over 10 million people including 5 million Russians, Chairman Mao who has murdered over 7 million of his OWN people!!!!
Want to know what the percent of his czars and cabinet have actual business experience? 8%!!! Any wonder why our economy is teetering on the brink of backruptcy? Those that do can't even do "Turbo Tax" and HE is the one that is the head of the Treasury!!! The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee "forgetting" to claim his 3 million in rental property on his income tax???
Now we have a "president" that will not disclose where he was born, his college transcripts, what his name was when he was attending college IF he did. All records have been sequestered and why? What is he hiding? This point is reason for impeachment as is. Not to mention all that he has done to shred our Constitution!!!! Why has no one called for his impeachment for violation of his oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic??? And ended his oath by "so help me God"!!! What a bald faced liar!!! What a travesty to our Constitution! This is called breech of oath people! There is a special place in hell for him and his ilk.... Pelosi and Reid as well....
The crucial pont is this: If the House uses this "Slaughter" rule to get governmental health care control passed under deem and pass, the first major step toward socialism will have rolled over and shredded our blessed Constitution! Mark my words!!! Your freedom, rights and future of our children and our children's children is AT STAKE!!!
Obama has already stated to Brett Baier that the end justifies the means! It is what HE wants and what the progessives want and to HELL with the American people, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights!! What a freaking Narcissist!!!! And most of his followers are so blind to the Constution, ignorant and just plain part of the entitlement society of the 3rd generation of welfare recipients and illegal aliens!!!!
Let's for the sake of argument look ahead to November if this bill passes. All the arm twisting and bullying to get it through will be a literal death knell for Democrats in office now. Some of these younger ones will wonder why Obama threw them under the bus for HIS agenda! Some will wonder why they've been ousted from office! Can they spell OUT OF TOUCH with the American People???? Can they spell NOT LISTENING TO We the PEOPLE????
I only hope that Obama doesn't make it a full term before he is impeached and thrown out of office! I shudder to think of Joe Biden taking over or Nancy Pelosi, because they are determined to ram every socialistic issue they can in three more years down our throats even at the political Kame Kazi run of the above, in three more years that it will effectively shred our Constitution!!!
It is like the proverbial man keeping his focus on draining the swamp while he is hip deep in little alligators!!! We have been too busy slapping alligators to notice that those pesky protesters of the sixties have now gotten their act together, their education and have been influencing politics to sway the government from with in. Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakan, Jeremiah Wright, Andy Stern, SEIU and many others have now gotten a foot hold in Washington and a mouth piece by the name of Barak Obama. All 32 of his "czars" are all followers of Karl Marx, Saul D. Alinsky and Chairman Mao. Last time I checked, the left wing liberal professors in the ivy covered halls of acadamia have never lived in the real world and do not understand as do you and I how to live on a budget, how to keep a job and what WE think! Yet our youth are expected to swallow all their propounding of how good socialism is and how bad the Constitution is and never telling them that with out exception a socialist government has NEVER succeded! Nor do they want to teach the truth about themselves or people like "bloody" Joe Stalin and murdering of 3 million of his own people, Adolph Hitler, who murdered over 10 million people including 5 million Russians, Chairman Mao who has murdered over 7 million of his OWN people!!!!
Want to know what the percent of his czars and cabinet have actual business experience? 8%!!! Any wonder why our economy is teetering on the brink of backruptcy? Those that do can't even do "Turbo Tax" and HE is the one that is the head of the Treasury!!! The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee "forgetting" to claim his 3 million in rental property on his income tax???
Now we have a "president" that will not disclose where he was born, his college transcripts, what his name was when he was attending college IF he did. All records have been sequestered and why? What is he hiding? This point is reason for impeachment as is. Not to mention all that he has done to shred our Constitution!!!! Why has no one called for his impeachment for violation of his oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic??? And ended his oath by "so help me God"!!! What a bald faced liar!!! What a travesty to our Constitution! This is called breech of oath people! There is a special place in hell for him and his ilk.... Pelosi and Reid as well....
The crucial pont is this: If the House uses this "Slaughter" rule to get governmental health care control passed under deem and pass, the first major step toward socialism will have rolled over and shredded our blessed Constitution! Mark my words!!! Your freedom, rights and future of our children and our children's children is AT STAKE!!!
Obama has already stated to Brett Baier that the end justifies the means! It is what HE wants and what the progessives want and to HELL with the American people, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights!! What a freaking Narcissist!!!! And most of his followers are so blind to the Constution, ignorant and just plain part of the entitlement society of the 3rd generation of welfare recipients and illegal aliens!!!!
Let's for the sake of argument look ahead to November if this bill passes. All the arm twisting and bullying to get it through will be a literal death knell for Democrats in office now. Some of these younger ones will wonder why Obama threw them under the bus for HIS agenda! Some will wonder why they've been ousted from office! Can they spell OUT OF TOUCH with the American People???? Can they spell NOT LISTENING TO We the PEOPLE????
I only hope that Obama doesn't make it a full term before he is impeached and thrown out of office! I shudder to think of Joe Biden taking over or Nancy Pelosi, because they are determined to ram every socialistic issue they can in three more years down our throats even at the political Kame Kazi run of the above, in three more years that it will effectively shred our Constitution!!!
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